Russian President Probed Over Navalny’s Tragic End – Prison Guards Accused of Deliberate Harm

According to claims, Vladimir Putin would reportedly seek regular updates on the severe punishments inflicted upon Alexei Navalny at the penal colony where he eventually collapsed and died.

The Russian president, accused of orchestrating the demise of his prominent critic, is said to have a keen interest in the details and punishments inflicted on Navalny.

Accusations Against Prison Guards

Navalny’s lawyer, Vadim Kobzev, has accused prison guards of actively attempting to ‘destroy Navalny’s health by all forces and means.’

There are allegations that the guards deliberately exposed Navalny to a disease, contributing to his deteriorating health.

These accusations raise concerns about the treatment of political prisoners within the Russian penal system.

Navalny’s Final Court Appearance

However, hours after this appearance, Navalny collapsed and lost consciousness during a walk at the penal colony, leading to his death.

The stark contrast between his demeanor in court and the tragic outcome adds to the mystery surrounding the circumstances.

Claims of Deliberate Infection and Inadequate Medical Care

Navalny’s lawyer revealed that the opposition leader had lost weight and was allegedly ‘deliberately infected’ with an unknown acute viral respiratory disease while in solitary confinement.

The claim extends to the assertion that Navalny did not receive proper medicines and was treated with inappropriate doses of antibiotics, contributing to his declining health.

International Outrage and Responses

The shocking news of Navalny’s death has triggered condemnation and criticism from international leaders, with accusations directed at the Kremlin.

World leaders hold Russian authorities responsible for the tragedy, and the circumstances surrounding Navalny’s death add to existing concerns about human rights in Russia.

Putin’s Previous Interest in Navalny’s Treatment

The article recalls previous reports suggesting Putin’s interest in Navalny’s treatment, including demands for footage of Navalny within the penal colony.

The alleged sadistic fascination of the Russian president with the fate of his outspoken critic raises questions about the broader environment of political dissent in Russia.

Navalny’s Impact on Russian Politics

The piece provides a brief overview of Navalny’s role in Russian politics, his activism against corruption, and his resilience in the face of adversity.

Navalny’s imprisonment, various trials, and his return to Russia underscore the challenges faced by political dissidents within Putin’s regime.

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