Piers Morgan Discusses Russell Brand’s Sexual Assault Allegations and the Importance of Due Process

Piers Morgan Discusses Russell Brand’s Sexual Assault Allegations and the Importance of Due Process

Piers Morgan, well-known TV presenter and journalist, has weighed in on the recent sexual assault allegations against comedian and actor Russell Brand.

The allegations, which date back to the period between 2006 and 2013, were brought to light through a joint investigation by Dispatches, The Sunday Times, and The Times.

Russell Brand vehemently denies these accusations and maintains that his relationships have always been consensual.

A Reflective Perspective on Past Interviews

In his column for The Sun, Piers Morgan delves into his past interactions with Russell Brand, particularly a 2006 interview where he humorously inquired about Brand being a “predator.”

Morgan recalls asking, “Are you a more successful sexual predator now that you don’t drink?” Brand’s response, according to Morgan, was affirmative, but the comedian also conveyed, “But I resent the word ‘predator’.”

Brand explained that he saw himself as a conduit of natural forces and aimed to remove barriers that might prevent consensual intimacy.

Russell Brand’s Perspective

According to Piers Morgan’s recollection, Russell Brand also shared that he aimed to avoid misogyny and aggression when it came to women, viewing them as “goddesses.”

Morgan provides insight into Brand’s perspective on relationships and sexuality as expressed during their conversation.

The Importance of Due Process

Piers Morgan emphasizes the significance of due process in cases like this. He points out that the accusations should be investigated by the police to determine if any crimes have occurred, rather than being prematurely judged in the court of public opinion.

Morgan contends that everyone, including Russell Brand, is entitled to this fundamental legal principle.

Morgan’s Social Media Posts

Piers Morgan has taken to social media to share his thoughts on the allegations against Russell Brand.

In one post on a former Twitter platform, he acknowledges the seriousness of the accusations and the quality of investigative reporting while asserting Brand’s right to due process.

He expresses concern that labeling Brand’s accusers as “victims” or “survivors” may suggest guilt and criminality.

Russell Brand’s Response

On Friday (September 15), Russell Brand issued a video statement vehemently denying the allegations against him.

He discussed his promiscuous past, emphasizing that all his relationships during that period were consensual.

Brand also mentioned the existence of witnesses whose accounts contradict the narratives presented by the media outlets involved in the accusations.


As Russell Brand faces allegations of sexual assault, Piers Morgan’s reflections on past interactions with the comedian and his advocacy for due process highlight the importance of a fair and thorough investigation into the matter.

Brand maintains his innocence and disputes the allegations made against him.
