YouTube ‘Supermom’ Ruby Franke to Plead in Child Abuse Case, Blames Corrupt Influencer Partner for Twisting Her ‘Moral Compass’

Popular Mommy Blogger Faces Abuse Charges

Ruby Franke, a formerly beloved YouTube parenting personality, was arrested in August after her severely mistreated son blew the whistle. Her business partner Jodi Hildebrandt was also charged as an accomplice.

Influencer’s Downward Spiral

Franke enjoyed immense popularity on YouTube with her large family before her husband left over parenting disputes. She then partnered with life coach Hildebrandt, who her lawyers now allege isolated and manipulated her.

Plea Deal Announced, Mentor Blamed

With Franke set to enter a plea deal Monday, her attorneys issued a statement blaming Hildebrandt for distorting her moral compass and twisting coaching into abuse. They claim jail has reset Franke’s values.

Partner Accused of Masterminding Control

Echoing similar past accusations, Franke’s lawyers depict Hildebrandt as systematically severing her relationships to exert dominance. Hildebrandt’s own family alleges she has long destroyed lives through her coercive tactics.

Making Amends After Transgressions

Per her attorneys, Franke is taking accountability and working to heal family ties. But Hildebrandt’s role remains pivotal amid longtime claims she ruins credibility and separates spouses. Details of Franke’s plea deal are still undisclosed.

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