Talk about a country that chooses a great deal in ritual killing for wealth in West Africa and you wouldn’ t leave Nigeria out. Traditional religious worshippers in Nigeria have stated that the Ifa Oracle does not support the use of human body parts for money making stressing on the fact that no deity in their record ever requested for human body parts to be used for rituals.
The priest claimed that whenever any sacrifice was to be made, the people would rather call on the name of God and make appeasements using simple items like, fruits such as banana, sugarcane and salt.
This statement was made by a priest among the Traditional Religious Worshippers in the Oyo State Branch after rumors said it that, they were behind the cause of ritual killings in the vicinity.
They made it clear that wealth associated with ritual killing might be directly associated with individuals who only flaunt on social media. In a statement they made, they said ” News have been reaching us from sources about the Ifa Oracle being the brains behind ritual killings.
We however want to put it that, we have no hand in using human parts to make an individual wealthy. Prayers can be said to the person to boost his business but no human body parts may be used. The world now sees us as the bad ones when in actual sense we are innocent. However the blame should be put on our leaders who flaunt their wealth on social media but do not provide job for the youth thus making them jobless. ”
Also, they claimed that Nollywood movies that place more emphasis on ritual killings should be banned since it gives the youth more motivation to go about practicing ridiculous activities all in the name of money making.
Now as a matter of fact, the Ifa Oracle is pleading on the federal government to swing into immediate action and bring all those who display wealth on social media platforms and boldly make rituals look appealing to the world be brought to custody.
With this they hope this information will reach the general public and a lot of activities will be put in place by religious leaders to educate their members on the dangers of ritual killings for wealth.
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