REALITY: Things No One Tells You About Marriage

Not all marriages last.
It does not matter the class of wedding that was held or how prominent the bride and groom were. When the boat decides to sink it just sinks.
Over the years, we have seen celebrities doing very high-class weddings which at the end of it all result into messy break-ups.
In fact, some of them are shorter than expected.
This way, it is good for every woman to know that getting married does not mean that everything will flow smoothly.
Some situations need a lot of patience and wisdom.
Break up is not an easy thing especially for a person who had invested in a relationship hoping it would last forever.
It is painful.
Below are simple things you should consider after a break-up.
Meditate on your past relationship
Compile a list of all your experience with your partner.
Think of every annoying quality they possessed as well as all the compromises you had to make in the relationship. Keep that list on your phone so you can refer back to it whenever you start thinking they were so perfect.
Remember, it’s natural to idealize both the person and the relationship.
Take a realistic walk down memory lane
As a grown woman, you know being realistic is very important. Think and do not live any stone unturned. When your mind eventually wanders and you start reminiscing about all the good times you two had, you’re likely forgetting to factor in the bad parts.
So, ensure you weigh every occurrence and make the best choice for yourself.
Remind yourself about the situations you have been in because of your partner’s fought.
Avoid having a rebound
Teach yourself to face reality.
For instance, jumping from one relationship to another is not good at all and especially if you were married to someone.
If you do that shortly after a break-up, that will be a rebound. A rebound is often a quick fix that’ll make you feel worthwhile, temporarily.

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