Putting it Off: Brits Juggle Procrastination and Day-to-Day Chores

Postponed Life Admin: Brits’ Struggle to Tackle Mundane Tasks


A recent study reveals that nearly 100 pieces of “life admin” tasks are postponed by Brits each year.

Surveying 2,000 adults in the UK, the research discloses that more than one in ten individuals have left certain tasks uncompleted for nearly a year.

Astonishingly, these same individuals still invest almost five hours weekly in managing their day-to-day responsibilities.

The Procrastination Predicament


The study divulges that almost 79 percent of respondents have a tendency to delay mundane chores, leading to a cycle of unfinished tasks.

Among these procrastinators, 28 percent have faced financial repercussions due to their postponements.

Such consequences include neglecting to cancel free trial subscriptions, resulting in continued payments (41 percent); incurring penalties for late bill payments (38 percent); and unknowingly accumulating energy charges by not submitting meter readings (30 percent).

Energy Readings Delayed: A Common Struggle

Remarkably, a significant 20 percent of those responsible for checking their energy meters continuously delay this task, citing the effort involved and the tendency to forget.


In response to this pattern of procrastination, Dilly Carter, a professional organizer from the BBC’s “Sort Your Life Out,” offers practical advice to help individuals overcome their mounting to-do lists.

Tips for Overcoming Procrastination

Carter suggests that a major obstacle to tackling tasks is finding the motivation to initiate them.

To address this, she recommends prioritizing tasks based on importance and potential consequences.

Identifying tasks with impending deadlines that could lead to stress can provide direction.


She proposes blocking dedicated time in one’s schedule, akin to scheduling a workout, to focus exclusively on life admin.

Carter also suggests seeking an “adminfluencer” buddy who can provide mutual motivation and support.

Top Tasks Left Undone

According to OnePoll’s research, decluttering and discarding old clothes top the list of tasks that Brits frequently delay.

Furthermore, household maintenance tasks like gutter cleaning and DIY work are frequently pushed aside by 37 percent of respondents.


Surprisingly, 24 percent admit to recognizing the importance of making a will but have yet to do so.

Tech’s Role in Managing Life Admin

Modern technology plays a crucial role in assisting individuals in managing their administrative tasks.

Approximately 63 percent of respondents credit technology with helping them stay on track.

Banking apps, phone reminders, and online calendars are identified as the most helpful tools.


Additionally, 24 percent of participants find smart meters beneficial in handling their administrative tasks.

The Time Investment and Missed Deadlines

While respondents dedicate nearly five hours weekly to managing life admin, over half (51 percent) admit to having missed deadlines due to prolonged procrastination.

This has led to financial repercussions, such as inflated bills or unexpected payments post-free trials.

The Perspective of Energy Smart Meters


Victoria Bacon, representative of Smart Energy GB, praises the use of technology to alleviate the administrative burden.

Smart meters, which automatically send readings to energy suppliers, are identified as a valuable tool to streamline tasks.

These meters offer visibility into energy usage and household finances, facilitating small changes to save energy.

In conclusion, the research highlights the widespread challenge of procrastinating mundane tasks.

It underscores the importance of effective time management and technological tools in overcoming this behavior, ultimately leading to greater efficiency and reduced financial consequences.



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