Ex-Prison Officer Wiktoria Bujko Pleads Guilty to Fabricating Confession in Murder Trial, Showered with Gifts by Defendant

Former Belmarsh Prison Guard Guilty of Perverting Justice in Murder Trial

A shocking revelation unfolded in court as former Belmarsh prison officer, Wiktoria Bujko, pleaded guilty to perverting the course of justice.

The startling case involved Bujko being showered with gifts by a murder trial defendant, leading to a false confession report that derailed legal proceedings.

False Confession and Lavish Gifts: Ex-Guard’s Role Unveiled in Murder Trial Sabotage

In the murder case of Iron Miah, where the victim was fatally shot in the head in November 2019, Bujko’s guilty plea exposed a web of deceit.

The court heard that Bujko reported a false confession by Aaron Campbell, a man awaiting trial for Miah’s murder, after being enticed with gifts, money, and promises by another defendant, Ali.

Defendant’s Manipulation: Lavish Rewards for False Testimony

Prosecutor Crispin Aylett KC revealed that Ali, known for being an “outrageous liar,” manipulated Bujko into creating a wholly fabricated account of a confession by Campbell.

Bujko, who worked at the high-security HMP Belmarsh where the defendants were held, succumbed to Ali’s inducements.

False Witness Statement: Sabotage Attempt Revealed Before Retrial

In a dramatic turn of events, Bujko submitted a witness statement in October 2022, just before a retrial was scheduled to commence.

The statement claimed that Campbell and another inmate planned to rob Ali of drugs, but CCTV footage later contradicted Bujko’s account.

Bribes Unveiled: £500 Payment Following Fabricated Testimony

The court learned that a £500 payment was made into Bujko’s bank account the day after she submitted her false witness statement.

The attempt to pervert justice and derail the murder trial became evident as scrutiny of CCTV footage disproved the alleged prison conversation.

Collusion and Guilt: Bujko and Ali Plead Guilty to Conspiracy

Both Wiktoria Bujko and Ali pleaded guilty to conspiring to pervert the course of justice. The court is set to sentence all defendants, including Bujko and Ali, at the Old Bailey on February 28.

The revelation has cast a spotlight on the vulnerabilities within the prison system and the potential manipulation of staff in high-security facilities.

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