Pope Francis contemplates Mary’s role as a mother and offers prayers for Nicaragua in his New Year’s Angelus.

Call to Prayer and Dialogue

Pope Francis, addressing the gathering and the wider community of believers, urges a collective commitment to persistent prayer.

He encourages a reliance on dialogue as a means to navigate through challenges, extending a heartfelt plea for prayers specifically dedicated to Nicaragua’s current situation.

Abduction of Priests in Nicaragua

In a distressing turn of events shortly after Christmas, Nicaragua’s Sandinista regime perpetrated the abduction of four priests.

Among the missing are Monsignor Carlos Avilés, the vicar general of the Archdiocese of Managua; Father Héctor Treminio, serving as pastor of Holy Christ Parish in Esquipulas; and Father Fernando Calero, overseeing Our Lady of Fatima Parish in Rancho Grande within the Diocese of Matagalpa.

As of now, their whereabouts remain undisclosed, prompting concerns and uncertainties.

Mary’s Silent Adoration and Witness

During his Angelus reflection, Pope Francis emphasized the significance of Mary’s silence as an embodiment of wonder and adoration rather than mere absence of speech.

He highlighted how her silence was an act filled with marvel for the divine wonders unfolding.

This quiet reverence allowed her to center Jesus in her heart and bear witness to His role as the Savior.

Maternal Love and Selfless Care

Continuing his reflection, the Pope drew parallels between Mary’s expression of motherhood and the often unnoticed yet profound love of earthly mothers.

He likened them to “magnificent cathedrals of silence,” highlighting their nurturing presence in nurturing and fostering growth.

Stressing the essence of love as not restrictive but as an open embrace that facilitates the growth of the other, he called attention to the nurturing role of mothers, shaping and supporting lives in the background.

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