Pope Francis’ 2024 prayer intentions

Sacrament of Anointing for Strength

The focus in July revolves around the sacrament of the anointing of the sick.

The prayer intention seeks the bestowal of the Lord’s strength upon those who receive this sacrament and their loved ones.

Its emphasis lies in invoking spiritual fortitude during challenging times.

August: Service and Common Good in Politics

August calls for prayers directed towards political leaders.

Catholics are urged to pray for these leaders to serve their people earnestly, striving for the common good.

The intention emphasizes integral human development and the welfare of those affected by unemployment.

September: Listening to Earth’s Cry

In September, the emphasis shifts to attentiveness towards the earth’s cry.

The prayer urges individuals to listen with their hearts to the environmental concerns and disasters.

Catholics are called to pray for the victims of these crises.

October: Sustaining a Synodal Lifestyle

During October, coinciding with the Synod on Synodality, the faithful are encouraged to pray for the continuation of a synodal lifestyle within the Church.

The focus is on fostering collaborative engagement between bishops and laypeople.

November: Compassion for Grieving Parents

November’s prayer intention is dedicated to all parents mourning the loss of a child.

It calls for compassion, empathy, and support for those enduring this profound sorrow.

December: Journeying as Hopeful Pilgrims

December’s focus anticipates the Church’s upcoming jubilee in 2025.

The faithful are asked to pray for strength in faith and the ability to recognize the risen Christ amidst life’s challenges.

The intention is for transformation into pilgrims of Christian hope.

Francesca’s Background: Social Media Manager for Catholic News Agency

Francesca holds a degree in Communications with an emphasis in Digital Media from the University of Colorado – Denver.

In her role as the Social Media Manager for the Catholic News Agency, she leverages her expertise in digital media to serve the Church’s mission.

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