Pokémon Go Beginners Guide 2024
Managed to buy Pokemon Go Pokemon? Then you’re one step closer to becoming the very best in the world of Pokémon.
But there’s some changes that were made when some people took a hiatus from the mobile game after dropping it. A lot of different things are added to the game and there’s some slight tweaks that may be different from what you remember. That’s why it’s good to brush up your knowledge with this 2024 Pokemon Go Guide.
The Beginning
When you start the game you will essentially be doing the tutorial. You will be synchronizing your mobile device with the GPS on the app itself. It’s to get an accurate description of where you are and what’s going to be displayed in your surroundings.
You will also be customizing your trainer too so be sure to take some time to really make your trainer look the way you want it to. You also get to choose which team you want to join, which consists of:
- Instinct
- Valor
- Mystic
How to Catch Pokemon
Just like in the games you only really need to just roam around until you find a Pokemon. Your screen will show you all of the Pokemon in your surrounding area so you can just approach them and initiate the “battle”. I say “battle” because it’s not really one.
You only have to throw your Pokeball at the Pokémon to catch them. No other Pokémon needed to get them weak in order to capture them. I do recommend you try and move the Pokeball around in a circle before throwing the ball. It increases the chances to catch the Pokémon.
You can also just get some Pokemon Go accounts for sale to get some powerful Pokémon’s ready to go.
Gyms are landmarks that are marked on the map. They are unlocked when you reach level 5 and you essentially capture these Gyms for you and the team you represent. There are going to be Gyms that are vacant so you can take control of them and earn some PokeCoins by placing a Pokémon you captured there.
But there are also Gyms that are under a different teams control. This is when you can actually do battle in Pokemon Go. You take over the Gym when you defeat the Gym Leader and claim the Gym for your team. Be warned that other trainers can also fight you and your Pokemon for ownership of the gym so make sure that your Pokémon is strong enough to fight off against enemy trainers.
They are pretty much the gacha elements of the game. But you don’t get stronger Pokemon’s from these. You will instead get the chance to spin for a free item in the PokéStop. Here are the items you can get:
- Berries
- Eggs
- Field research
- Pokéballs
- Potions
- Stamps
- Revives
In Conclusion
Becoming the very best like no one ever was is not easy work. But you can do it with enough hard work and dedication.