Phone Games Can Reduce Your Stress

It’s impossible to live in a stress-free environment for modern people. No matter what field you work in, you need to get rid of stress and negative emotions from time to time. Otherwise, the consequences will not be pleasant. You risk snapping, lacking sleep, and even having anxiety and eating disorders.

Thankfully, the modern world is full of different stress-reducing methods. Mobile games are one of them. Although it’s difficult to believe, according to scientists, you can play games to relieve stress and raise your mood. Yes, everyone has such a stress-relieving option in his pocket. 

Do Mobile games reduce stress?

Improving your mental health and maintaining it in the necessary condition is crucial. Gaming helps individuals connect socially, improve their cognitive skills, and get rid of stress in many ways. Especially now, as so many people appeared to be apart due to the pandemic. 

It’s normal to worry about your kids or even yourself spending too much time playing games on the phone. However, do not think that a mobile game is a total waste of time. Regan Mandryk, a computer science professor at the University of Saskatchewan, proved that mobile games have a good impact on your health, especially when you are not socializing much. 

According to Mandryk, when playing games, you receive plenty of emotional and social benefits. The University of Saskatchewan researched different age groups from children to aged people living in care homes. The specialists researched the impact of mobile games on people of different age groups.

Remarkably, people benefited from different game features in different ways. Thus, action games bring more cognitive benefits. The most stress relieving games are those where players must cooperate with one another, solve different issues, and protect something together. In such games, you psychologically escape from your problems and stress caused by work or other reasons and just find yourself in another environment. 

For kids who cannot just sit in one place for a long time, such games substitute live communication and play with their peers during the pandemic. Adults also can relax and just forget about stress. Such games bring new, mostly positive emotions. In other words, you simply switch from your real-life problems to a totally different world where you can feel like a hero or have a crucial mission to save the world, etc. The only condition here is not to replace normal activities and fresh air with your games. 

Do not forget about safety during your gameplay!

It’s crucial to not just remember about physical activity and fresh air while playing games to reduce stress but also about your cybersecurity. Many people ask do I need VPN on my iPhone and why? You know that anxiety can be caused by many things and one of them is data leaks. Installing VeePN on your phone regardless of the iOS will prevent your data from leaking. 

Protecting your cybersecurity with a VPN app for Android is more than easy nowadays. Even if you are using an iPhone or a good Android phone protected from all kinds of malware, Wi-Fi is never secure. Your IP address is vulnerable but using public Wi-Fi is even more dangerous. Anyone can access your data. Thanks to a VPN, you can avoid this, save yourself from anxiety, save tons of nerves, and access geo-restricted content. Those games that are not available to you in your region will be unlocked now. 

What games to play to reduce stress? 

Not only yoga or reading a book can help you cope with stress and bring yourself into a normal being but you can also play some modern anti stress games on your phone. It is free and doesn’t make you leave the comfort of your home. See what mobile games to play to relieve stress after work or other stressful activities or events in your life.

Color Break

Color Break is a game that helps just relax and enjoy. Painting itself is a very stress-relieving activity but unfortunately, not everyone can afford to spend time and money to attend painting classes or courses. Art therapy is now available on your phone. Digital painting is a great alternative.

Paint with a stylus or just your fingertips and relish a large number of patterns. If you had a hard day, the app will help you forget about it. It also develops creativity. An unlimited pool of colors is at your disposal; you are not restricted to anything. The game is really cool and allows everyone to share the results with friends.

Ken Zoi

Watching fish in a pond is a very relaxing activity if you can call it this. Breed, grow and collect Koi fish. This is a truly Zen-inspired game. Your mission is to help Japanese Koi develop into an adult and overcome all obstacles on its path. 

The background sounds are also very smooth and relaxing. The app is a sort of meditation. It helps escape the challenging reality and plunge into a different world. 


Wellness and Fitness