Peter Beardsley, once considered royalty at St. James’ Park, is now far removed from the limelight.
These days, he finds himself speaking in front of a modest crowd of 100 people at the Masonic Hall in Aspatria, a small town in Cumbria.
A world away from the grandeur of Wembley and the football pitches he once graced, Beardsley is trying to reclaim his life and career after being banned from football due to past allegations.
The Rise and Fall of Peter Beardsley
It’s been six long years since Beardsley was let go from Newcastle United.
Following a 14-month investigation into allegations of racism and bullying during his time as the club’s Under-23 manager, his contract was terminated.
The investigation led to Beardsley’s suspension from all football-related activities for 32 weeks after a panel found he had used racist language, including calling a black player a ‘monkey’.
Despite denying the claims, football turned its back on the Geordie legend.
Since that fateful moment, Beardsley has largely been shunned by the football world.
Yet, on this Friday evening in Cumbria, he has a chance to share his side of the story.
The night’s event, ‘An Evening with Peter Beardsley,’ has attracted locals eager to hear about the footballer’s past glory and the controversy that followed.
A Humble Setting for a Football Legend
As guests enter the Masonic Hall, they are met with a private black Audi parked outside, bearing the number plate ‘Pedro,’ a nod to Beardsley’s nickname.
Inside, the room is modestly decorated, a far cry from the lavish stadiums where Beardsley once played.
The evening begins with Beardsley’s speech, during which he reflects on his journey from humble beginnings in Tyneside to playing in two World Cups for England.
Beardsley talks about his football career, recalling how his first big break came at Carlisle before he went on to play for Vancouver Whitecaps, Newcastle, Liverpool, and Everton.
The crowd listens attentively, with Beardsley acknowledging his past successes, including winning two league titles and 59 England caps.
However, there’s a noticeable gap in his story – he avoids discussing the latter part of his career, particularly his time as a coach.
Unrepentant and Bitter Over His Fall
Beardsley, now 64, remains unapologetic about his actions during his coaching days, still believing that the allegations against him were unjust.
He reflects on the past with a sense of frustration, comparing the “banter” of his playing days to the stricter, more politically correct world of modern football.
He hints that the lack of freedom in today’s game, where players can’t criticize one another or express themselves freely, is what ultimately led to his downfall.
Although Beardsley tries to steer clear of controversy during his speech, he does not shy away from giving praise to those who had a positive impact on his career, especially his former Newcastle manager and teammate, Kevin Keegan.
Beardsley fondly describes Keegan as “God in my world,” noting that he continues to speak to him weekly.
Keegan, who recently spoke at his own speaking engagements, still holds a special place in Beardsley’s life.
Life After Football and the Struggle to Rebuild
After his coaching career ended, Beardsley’s life has been far from glamorous.
While he’s not returned to football in a permanent role, he’s been seen at a few local clubs, including Workington and Hebburn Town.
However, despite showing interest in coaching and management, Beardsley has struggled to find meaningful employment since his suspension.
In the meantime, he remains involved in football on a smaller scale, playing five-a-side twice a week with local teachers.
Despite rarely touching the ball, he finds joy in the camaraderie of the game.
Still, a permanent return to football remains elusive, and his speaking engagements in small venues like Aspatria are now his main source of income.
No Interest in Managing Again
When asked if he would ever return to a managerial role, Beardsley is clear: “Coach again? Yeah. Manager? Never.”
He expresses disdain for the modern footballing environment, where players are more sensitive to criticism and less open to honesty.
Beardsley reflects on his own playing days, stating that he would never want to swap them for today’s game.
“I wouldn’t swap a day of what I had, good or bad,” he says, perhaps hinting at his nostalgia for the past.
As for his future, Beardsley remains hopeful. “Hopefully I won’t be gone for a while, but I’m still coming back as me,” he declares.
Peter Beardsley may have fallen from grace, but his passion for football and his unrepentant attitude remain intact.
His story is one of highs and lows, of triumph and controversy, and while football may have turned its back on him, Beardsley is not ready to fade into obscurity.
Whether he’ll ever get the chance to rebuild his career in the sport he loves remains to be seen.