Pensioner Support Wanes as Poll Finds Less than Half of Over-65 Tories Stick with Party, Many Shift to Reform in UK Election

A recent poll reveals a surprising shift among pensioners who supported the Tories in 2019.

According to the latest data, less than half of them plan to vote Conservative next week.

Instead, nearly a quarter are backing Nigel Farage’s Reform party.

Changing Political Loyalties

The survey by JL Partners highlighted that only 49% of pensioners aged 66 to 88, who voted Tory in the last election, intend to do so again on July 4th.

Meanwhile, 22% have switched allegiance to Reform, complicating Rishi Sunak’s efforts to regain their support.

Feeling Neglected

The poll underscores a broader sentiment among older voters, with a significant 78% feeling “taken for granted” by politicians.

This dissatisfaction has created an opening for parties like Labour, which has an opportunity to connect with this demographic.

Policy Demands and Expectations

There’s a strong call among pensioners for a dedicated minister focusing on later living, particularly concerning health and social care.

Scarlett Maguire from JL Partners emphasized the need for politicians to engage meaningfully with policies that affect older adults.

Economic Impact and Promises

Economically, there are concerns and expectations as well.

The state pension, under the triple lock, is set to increase alongside inflation, earnings, or by 2.5% annually.

However, frozen personal allowances mean more pensioners are paying higher income taxes, despite modest pension increases.

Conservative Policy and Reactions

The Conservatives have pledged to protect pension benefits and maintain tax policies favorable to pensioners, including no new taxes on pensions and preserving the 25% tax-free lump sum on withdrawals.

They aim to reassure pension savers amidst shifting political allegiances.

Continued Benefits Assurance

All current pensioner benefits, such as free bus passes, winter fuel payments, prescriptions, and TV licenses, will remain unaffected, according to party pledges.

This summary captures the key points of the original article in a more conversational and structured format.

TDPel Media

This article was published on TDPel Media. Thanks for reading!

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