Patriotic and Democratic Allaince coalition falls apart in the Western Cape

The Patriotic Alliance says it withdrew from its coalitions with the DA in the Western Cape over what it called the constant verbal abuse of its leader and president, Gayton McKenzie, by DA interim provincial leader, Tertuis Simmers.

The PA has withdrawn from coalitions in the Knysna and Matzikama municipalities.

Earlier this month, McKenzie was elected as a councillor of the Laingsburg municipality and then elected to the district council, where he then took up the position of district mayor of the Central Karoo.

PA National Chairperson, Marlon Daniel’s says, “We took a decision as a party that we are not going to have a blanket approach and withdraw from coalitions in other metros, simply because in other metros, we are in coalition with the DA and other parties. Now, those parties were not in the room when this Tertuis Simmers guy made these derogatory allegations and remarks towards our party president.”

Simmers dismisses abuse allegations on Mckenzie

In a statement Simmers says he is saddened by the PA’s decision to pull out of the two coalitions they had with the DA in the Western Cape, because service delivery is better when councillors work together.

He called media reports on allegations of verbal abuse misleading.

Simmers says that after meeting McKenzie last week, he assured him of his support in raising service delivery in the Central Karoo.

He added that he remains willing and keen to take hands with McKenzie in this quest.

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