PA’s blood donation drive for job consideration receives backlash from Sandton residents

Blood Donation Drive for Political Aspirants

Patriotic Alliance (PA) leader Kenny Kunene has introduced a unique requirement for party members aspiring for positions in legislatures and parliament.

According to Kunene, individuals seeking roles within the party must participate in the PA’s blood donation drive as a prerequisite for consideration.

Eligibility Criteria and Exemptions

Kunene emphasized that those unable to donate blood due to medical or other reasons must provide a valid explanation to the party leadership.

In a video message to PA members, he urged aspirants to share images documenting their participation in the blood donation drive, making it a crucial factor for inclusion on parliamentary lists.

Blood Donation Drive: A Significant Party Operation

Reported by The Citizen, Kunene highlighted the blood donation drive as the PA’s second-largest operation, following the party’s earlier efforts at the Beitbridge border gate.

At the border gate, the PA successfully thwarted the illegal entry of over 1000 immigrants into South Africa at the beginning of the year.

Promoting Blood Donation at a National Level

Kunene encouraged party members to donate blood to the South African National Blood Services (SANBS), citing occasional shortages in blood stock.

He called for collective efforts, stating, “Let the blood organization go out next week and say there is no shortage of blood; we have seen an increase in blood donations.

Let us give our green blood.”

Exclusive Use of PA Member Blood for South Africans

In a notable appeal to the medical fraternity, Kunene specified that blood donated by PA members should exclusively benefit South Africans.

He stressed the importance of genuine identification, stating that only individuals with valid IDs would receive the shared blood.

Kunene’s vision is to ensure that the PA’s blood donation drive contributes to the well-being of South African citizens.

By aligning political aspirations with a philanthropic cause, the PA’s approach to involving its members in a blood donation initiative adds a distinctive element to its political activities.

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