Parent’s Guide to Back-to-School Anxiety: 5 Proven Tips for Encouragement

Have you started preparing your household for school? You probably have your kids’ school supplies list and have comped the shopping you need to get their school clothes and supplies. However, how are your kids coping? Have you seen signs of anxiety? In addition to finding Adderall alternatives during shortage, you may search for tips to help you encourage your children during this stressful time.

Acknowledge and Validate

First, you should talk to your children about how they feel. What do they fear that causes their anxiety? Ask open-ended questions and then listen to their responses. You can also ask questions to clarify what they mean. Recognize their feelings and fears.

You can also talk to them about your fears when you were in school. Discuss how you felt and why. Then, show them that many of your fears never happened. Help them put their feelings and worries into perspective. Validate their feelings, but give them hope that they can overcome them.

The goal is to keep communication open. Your children should feel comfortable coming to you with their feelings, and you should consistently check up on how they feel and how their days went.

Help Them Create Coping Mechanisms

If you decide to give your children anything, make sure you do your research and check the reviews, e.g., Brillia side effects. In addition, you should work on teaching your children some coping mechanisms for when they start to feel anxious.

Deep breathing techniques can calm the heart rate and bring their minds back to the present. Also, consider mindfulness strategies. You can teach them phrases they can say aloud that anchor them, such as I am brave, I am safe, I feel powerful, I am smart, etc. These phrases reverse their thinking and focus on positive thoughts. Teach them to move their thinking onto other things, such as identifying five things they can see, hear, touch, smell or taste.

Fidget toys can also give your children something else to focus on. You can encourage them to count backward or complete math problems in their heads. As the thinking changes, the body’s physical reactions should cease. Journaling is also a great tool.

Engage in Fun Activities

Before and after school, consider doing fun activities with your children. You may have an art or craft project for them or take them to the park to just get some energy out. If they have had a good few weeks, you can take them for a special treat. On the weekend, you may take a drive or hike so they can see all the fall colors. Find activities they enjoy.

Teach Them About Anxiety

One of the best things you can do for your children is to teach them about anxiety. For example, you may teach anxiety in 6 year-old symptoms or in the age group your child falls into. Teach them to identify what triggers their anxiety and the physical symptoms that may follow. When they know why they feel the way they do, they can handle it better. You may also discuss what causes anxiety. However, focus on the positive, that it can be overcome.

Anxiety is scary to children. They don’t understand what is going on and why it is happening. Help them through their anxiety by testing these strategies.
