Holiness and Responsibility: Pope Francis’ Message to the Faithful

Pope Francis on Holiness

In a recent address, Pope Francis highlighted the attainability of holiness for all, emphasizing that saints are not distant figures but friends who share a common starting point with us: the gift of baptism.

Holiness as a Gift: A Source of Happiness

The Pope expressed that holiness is a gift offered to everyone, contributing to a happy life. When we receive a gift, our immediate reaction is happiness, signifying someone’s love for us. Holiness, too, is a gift that demonstrates God’s love for humanity.

Accepting and Responding to the Gift

Pope Francis underscored that every gift, including holiness, necessitates acceptance and a corresponding responsibility.

Holiness serves as an invitation to commit ourselves, ensuring that we do not squander the divine gift.

Holiness as a Journey: A Collective Effort

The Pope argued that holiness is a journey that we embark on together, aiding one another. In this journey, we unite with the saints, our elder brothers and sisters.

These saints provide unwavering support and guidance, correcting us when we veer off course.

Conclusion: Holiness as a Shared Path with the Saints

Pope Francis’s message centers on the accessibility of holiness as a gift from God, the responsibility it carries, and the collective journey shared with the saints as our companions and guides on the path to holiness.

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