Official List Of Government Books To Read For JAMB UTME/DE

Adigwe, F (1985) Essentials of Government for West Africa, Ibadan:  University Press Plc.
Anifowose, R and Enemuo, F. C. (eds)(1999) Elements of Politics, Lagos;  Malthouse Press Limited.
Appadorai, A. (1978) The Substance of Politics, London:  Oxford University Press.
Ball, A. R. (1983) Modern Politics and Government, London:  Macmillan.
Ofoegbu, R.  (1977)  Government for the Certificate Year, London: George Allen and Unwin.
Olawale, J. B (1987) New Topics on Ordinary Level Government, Ilesha:  Jola Publishing.
Oyediran, O. Nwosu, H., Takaya, B., Anifowoshe, R., Femi, B., Godwill, O. and Adigun, A. (1990) Government for Senior Secondary Schools, Books 1, 2 and 3, Ibadan:  Longman.
Oyeneye, I., Onyenwenu, M. and Olusunde, B. E. (2000)  Round-Up Government for Senior Secondary School Certifcate Examination:  A Complete Guide, Ibadan:  Longman.
Oyovbaire, S., Ogunna, A. E. C., Amucheazi, E. C., Coker, H. O. and Oshuntuyi, O. (2001) Countdown to Senior Secondary Certificate Examination:  Government, Ibadan: Evans.
