NMFB Opens Registration Portal for Nirsal TCF & AGSMEIS Covid-19 Loan 2022

The Nirsal TCF and AGSMEIS Covid-19 Loan 2022 registration portal has been opened by the NMFB.
The Nissal Microfinance Bank has issued a new update on non-interest banking NIB loans. New NIB approvals have been released, according to the NMFB. See the details sent to some applicants below for further information.
Dear Applicant, Your NIB TCF loan has been approved. Click to accept the offer. For Enquiries call 09010026907.

How to Apply for NMFB TCF & AGSMEIS Covid-19 Loan

Applicants should go to if they are interested and begin to create a new application or finish an existing one.
NIB applicants were previously advised by NMFB management not to sign any vendor’s asset/products acceptance letter or invoice until they verified that what they initially ordered are being delivered.

How to Apply For The New Registration of Nirsal TCF & AGSMEIS Covid-19 Loan 2022

Non-Interest Targeted Credit Facility (TCF-NI)
The Non-Interest Targeted Credit Facility (TCF) is a stimulus package to support household and Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprise (MSMEs) affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. It is a non-interest term facility targeted at small businesses for the financing of key assets for their businesses.
The financing limit is N2,500,000.00 for a tenure of 3 years with 6 months moratorium (a moratorium is a grace period of granted to the customer by the Bank to postpone the payment). Apply Online Here
Non-Interest Agri-Business, Small And Medium Enterprise Investment Scheme (Agsmeis-Ni)
The non-interest product is an alternative to the existing AGSMEIS program based on Islamic principles of financial transactions using products such as Murbah and Ijarah. This is a term specifically proposed for finance of equipment, raw materials and working capital.
