Nigeria signs Document on Plastic Value Chain

The Nigerian government has signed the document for the implementation of Promoting Sustainable Plastic Value Chain through Circular Economy Practices in the Federal Capital Territory FCT and Lagos state.

The project objective is also to promote the integration of circular economy principles and practices into plastic waste management and strengthen plastic value chains.

Nigeria’s Minister of State for Environment, Sharon Ikeazor, at the signing of the document in Abuja, the Nation’s capital, said the project will complement the efforts of the government in mainstreaming circular economy principles and practices into its National Development Plans.

“The project is very welcomed as the global community including Nigeria is making concerted efforts including developing a separate international instrument to address plastic pollution holistically and sustainably.

Nigeria, with a population of over 200 Million people generates about 32 Million tons of solid waste per year,” she explained.

The Minister added that the large volume of plastic waste being generated in the country presents circular economic business opportunities across the plastic value chain, should be properly harnessed for job creation, establishment of micro, small and medium scale enterprises.

Circular economy principlesIkeazor stressed that the Ministry has also taken proactive measures to promote, institutionalise and entrench sound circular economy principles and practices in the country.

“Nigeria’s circular economy potentials can be seen in its large and thriving waste management sector that attracts operators due to the high volume of wastes and demand for recycled materials.

One of the ways to realize this potential is to support the industry by demonstrating benefits of adopting circular economy practices with innovative technologies including recycling technology or alternative material production.

” Ikeazor added.

The Project would also help to demonstrate the benefits of adopting circular economy practices and resource efficient production of plastic value chains in Nigeria.

Nigeria, with a population of over 200 million people generates about 32 million tons of solid waste per year, of which 1.

15 million tons are plastic wastes, with little or no segregation is illegally dumped in open spaces including drainages.

Nneka Ukachukwu
Nigeria signs Document on Plastic Value Chain

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