NGO Trains Journalists on Projects Tracking

A Non Governmental Organization NGO known as Interactive has trained Journalists, Civil Society Organizations and  Community Based Organization on how to use data to track Projects in Abakaliki, Ebonyi State capital.

The Dataphyte Program Manager, Mr.

Charles Mbah disclosed this to Journalists after the third phase of the program in Abakaliki.

Dataphyte as a program under Interactive is Data for Development Programme of the interactive initiative  for social impact.

Mbah said: “This is the third phase of the and I believe that it is not going to be the last phase, like we have all agreed that we are going to continue the sustainability of this program for the benefit of all Nigerians.

“It has been a wonderful three months of training Civil Society Organizations, Community Based Organization and Journalists on how to use available data and open contracting portal of Ebonyi State Bureau of Public Procurement to track Projects in the State.

“This capacity building started long ago has rallied round to track 10 projects in the State.

“Today, we have come together to discuss with relevant stakeholders about the 10 projects tracked.

More so, he explained that Dataphyte is not here to witch Hunt the government or anybody but to ensure that there is value for whatever money that has been first of all budgeted and also contracted so that people shall  continue to enjoy sustainable Development not only in Ebonyi State but in Nigeria at large.


Mbah commended the Ebonyi State Government for its supportive in actualising the Dataphyte Program in the State.

The Program Manager further appreciated the Stakeholders who have been participating in the training.

NGO Trains Journalists on Projects Tracking

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