A Canadian naturopathic doctor has shared an unexpected tip for increasing your lifespan, and it’s all about the way you breathe.
Dr. Janine Bowring, who has over 25 years of experience and clinical research, recently posted a video on TikTok where she explains how slowing down your breath could contribute to a longer life.
The Surprising Power of Slow Breathing
Dr. Bowring claims that most adults take between 15 to 20 breaths per minute, which she considers too many.
According to her, if you can slow your breathing to just 5.5 breaths per minute, this has been linked to greater longevity.
Drawing comparisons to animals like dolphins and whales, she highlights that these creatures breathe fewer times per minute and live much longer lives.
Breathing Patterns and Lifespan Across Species
The doctor contrasts these long-living mammals with smaller creatures like mice, who breathe at a much faster rate—anywhere from 90 to 250 breaths per minute.
Mice, in turn, have a much shorter lifespan of just 2 to 7 years.
She suggests that stress, which often leads to rapid breathing, can contribute to a shorter life.
By consciously slowing your breath, Dr. Bowring believes you can combat some of the negative effects of stress and promote a longer, healthier life.
The Science Behind Slow Breathing and Longevity
Interestingly, Dr. Bowring’s theory aligns with some recent scientific studies.
Last year, a study conducted by Massachusetts General Hospital found that mice living in environments with lower oxygen levels lived significantly longer—about 50% longer—than those in regular oxygen conditions.
The researchers speculated that less oxygen might reduce cellular damage and promote healthier cell recycling, which could slow aging.
However, this study was done on mice, so its implications for human aging are still unclear.
Dr. Roger Roberts, a pulmonologist and lead researcher on the study, cautioned that while living in high-altitude areas with lower oxygen might extend lifespan and reduce age-related diseases, it’s still too early to apply these findings to humans.
More Tips from Dr. Bowring on Living Healthier
Dr. Bowring’s advice doesn’t end with breathing.
In December, she also shared helpful tips for promoting regular bowel movements.
One of her key recommendations is to drink something hot first thing in the morning to stimulate your colon and encourage a bowel movement.
Her tips also touch on the importance of circadian rhythm in maintaining a healthy digestive system.
By slowing down your breath and practicing other naturopathic habits, Dr. Bowring believes you can improve both your longevity and overall well-being.