Nakhane bounces back from Covid-19 induced hiatus

Like many other indie acts whose music leans a little to alternative for SA’s mainstream audience, Nakhane is not often seen in the music scene on our shores.

Following a three-year hiatus forced on him by the pandemic, the multi-talented artist will be breaking the long interval with a performance at the Bassline Fest with his “I AM LIVE” evening

flexed his acting skills once again post-Inxeba on Ear for Eye, which premiered at the BFI London Film Festival, written extensively including an essay on mental health and working on his second novel we find out what Nakhane has been up to and what fans can expect from his long awaited return.

You’ve not had an in-person performance in the last three years and to break that you’re bringing it home, why was it important to do this at Bassline Fest?

I am who I am today because of where I come from. Your background informs just about everything about your life. I remember watching a short Busi Mhlongo documentary and I realised it was where she launched the album Urban Zulu.

Why such an on-the-nose name for the tour? And how did you come to it?

I haven’t played in so long and I really love singing for people. I really love performing on stage and I know there are others who dread going on stage but I miss it. One thing that killed me about the pandemic was not being able to perform. I am most well when I perform live because I am most present and in the moment.

What was it like not getting to express yourself live during lockdown?

It was awful, terrible! At first I thought I could use the time to learn new skills or get better at something and that did happen but it became terrible and sad and it was hard to look for a positive. But I was writing and reading – books were a life saver. Also sitting down and learning piano pieces that have nothing to do with my music.

You’ve been dropping a lot of hints towards a new album, will there be music from it at I AM LIVE?

…I definitely will play one or two songs from it.

What can we expect from the new album?

I just want to make a very percussive album. That’s how it came out and that’s how I started writing the songs. I would layer drums before I wrote a single note of music. It’s going to be an album with a lot of movement.

You’ll be celebrating 10 years since your debut album next year, are you going to celebrate this?

I definitely will personally but I don’t know if I will do something in the public domain. We’ll see. It’s not that necessarily like looking forward but I like being present, seeing and learning more now.

You have such a long gap between writing your first and second novel.

I actually wasn’t aware of the gaps until someone said it to me. Even with the albums, I never knew I was such a slow artist but I just like to make sure that it’s worthy of being out there in the world. I don’t want to release just because I can release.

What else can we expect from you this year?

Quite a lot but I’ve been working on a lot of classical music that I’m writin

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