Rule number one to having a strategy in Biggie’s House; make sure that you aren’t being found out. The gag is, all the Housemates are in this to win it. They are playing a game. But if yours is obvious, you run the risk of having a target on your back while being bested at your own trick. And following Sunday night’s shocking Double Eviction, we’re seeing covers being blown on even the most carefully crafted games in the House.
Gash1 is coming under fire for the way he’s moving. Vyno’s authenticity is being called into question. Mphowabadimo and Nthabii are plotting news ways to navigate the landscape, and the gents have assembled to figure out who could be next on the chopping block. It’s game on!
First of all, Vyno has shaken the tables. What many thought to be the strongest relationship in the House; Vyno and Terry, seems to be crumbling. The pair, who hit it off the second Vyno arrived a week later in the House, are being tested. It looked authentic at first; their public displays of affection and talks of a future outside the House inspired much awe. That was until Vyno switched lanes and told Yoli that she is, in fact, the girl he’s into. He fessed up to that fact that hooking up with Terry is really part of his strategic roadmap to the finish line. Terry is the ‘baddie’ in the House, winning challenges and influencing many of the decisions. Aligning is a smart move already.
Less tactical is how Vyno took this information to Yoli. She went on to tell Gash1, whom she fancies. It appears her motives were genuine – she likes Gash1 and considers him someone she’d like to have by her side in the House. But the current Head of House is playing the game, and he seems to be playing it hard. Fresh off being accused of strategically sowing divisions in the House as a bid to scatter alliances, Gash1 one upped himself by bringing this tea to Vyno. In doing so, he betrayed Yoli’s confidence.
After finding out Gash1 had done thing, Yoli flew into a rage. Despite Gash1’s best efforts to apologise and pacify her, she said she can no longer tell whether their relationship is genuine, or another thread in Gash1’s elaborate game. He assured her, to little avail, that she’s straight with her. They are in this together. But the milk has been spilled; Yoli joins a number of Housemates who are weary of Gash1’s shrewd display.
The big question is, who is fooling who? Vyno shooting his shot with Yoli raises many questions about the game he is playing. Norman said he feels like the move was merely a means to make him more relevant. Dating Terry and then approaching Yoli makes him a big conversation in the House. There’s no telling yet what his intentions were. But one thing is clear, he doesn’t see much of a future in his relationship with Terry.
In a chat with Themba, he admitted that he can’t guarantee he’d continue seeing Terry after leaving the House. For one, she’s not really his type. And, he added, she seems more into him than he is into her. If the relationship continues, it’s likely he would be doing it to move forward in the House. That will, however, depend on whether or not Terry finds out what he’s been saying about her.
The gloves are off; a cash prize of R2 million is on the table. It’s time to play. It would seem, however, a couple of hearts might be broken in the process.