Motshekga visits schools in Springs

Basic Education Minister, Angie Motshekga, is today visiting four schools in Springs, Ekurhuleni, to conduct monitoring and oversight.
The Minister will visit Phelang Special School, Fred Habedi Primary, Lefa Ifa Secondary and Eureka High School.
“These visits provide an opportunity to further support schools while strengthening efforts to mitigate risks within school communities, as they are still expected to adhere to the COVID-19 protocols to ensure the safety of both learners and teachers,” the department said in a statement.
The Minister will also engage with education stakeholders at Mpengesi Primary School hall in Etwatwa at 13h30.
Meanwhile, Basic Education Deputy Minister, Dr. Reginah Mhaule, will also conduct monitoring and oversight visits in the Ehlanzeni Education District in Mpumalanga.
The schools to be visited are Lungisani Secondary School and Jerusalem Secondary School in White River.
Since the beginning of the 2022 academic year, the Minister and her deputy have been visiting schools around the country to assess readiness and conduct monitoring. – SAnews

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