Mother’s Apology Rejected by United Airlines Staff Leading to Boarding Denial in San Francisco

A mother claims she was kicked off a United Airlines flight with her distressed 16-month-old son due to a misunderstanding involving a flight attendant’s pronouns.

Flight Drama

Jenna Longoria was preparing to fly from San Francisco to Austin with her mom and son on Wednesday when United Airlines reportedly denied them boarding.

According to Longoria, the incident stemmed from an accidental mistake in addressing a staff member’s pronouns, and she says her apology was not accepted.

Health Concerns

The situation worsened when Longoria realized the flight took off with their luggage, which included essential medications for both her and her mom.

Left stranded without their meds, they faced the risk of becoming seriously ill.

“They’re saying it’s a hate crime that I did and that I might not even be able to ever fly United again,” she vented in a video on Instagram.


Longoria explains in the video that while boarding the plane, she accidentally misgendered a flight attendant.

Distracted by her son’s tantrum and the struggle with his car seat, she says she wasn’t focused and made a mistake.

More to the Story

However, another video suggests the issue might be more complex.

In the clip, a United Airlines staff member tells Longoria that the decision to deny her boarding was made by the captain due to “what came out of your mouth.”

The staffer also hinted there was more to the incident than just the pronoun mix-up.

“They basically said tough luck and they won’t tell me exactly what I said,” Longoria added.

Seeking Help

In a separate clip, Longoria, visibly desperate, asked her 20,000 Instagram followers for advice on her rights in this situation.

“We don’t know how we’re going to get back today,” she said.

“I don’t know what to do, I really don’t know what to do.”

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