Mother from Bridgend Takes Legal Action Against Turkish Surgeon After Nearly Dying from Botched Cosmetic Surgery in Turkey

Mother from Bridgend Takes Legal Action Against Turkish Surgeon After Nearly Dying from Botched Cosmetic Surgery in Turkey

A mother from Bridgend, South Wales, has become the first British person to take legal action against a Turkish doctor after undergoing a disastrous cosmetic surgery.

Sara Platt, a mother of four, is now on a mission to prevent others from facing the same fate she did.

She almost died after a surgeon in Turkey performed a botched procedure, leaving her in excruciating pain and battling severe psychological trauma.

The Horror of a Failed Surgery

Sara’s ordeal began in 2021 when she traveled to Turkey for a procedure to remove excess skin from her stomach after losing an incredible 12 stone.

Unfortunately, the surgery didn’t go as planned, and she was left with more skin than before, along with painful sores and a foul smell.

Unable to afford the expensive treatment in the UK, Sara returned to Turkey in 2023, where she paid £15,000 for the procedure, a fraction of what it would have cost in Britain.

Sadly, her second surgery proved even worse. Sara was left in agony, unable to escape the horrors of her experience.

She recalls the excruciating pain, saying it felt like her skin was on fire after the surgeon used a “burning tool” to perform corrective surgery.

Her body began leaking brown liquid, and a large portion of fat remained lodged in her chest.

Desperation, Pain, and Trauma

After undergoing what she describes as a painful and botched procedure, Sara was left in a dimly lit hotel room with no immediate care, enduring unimaginable suffering.

The surgeon, who had promised her a safe recovery, later attempted to “fix” his mistake but caused even more pain by performing another operation with only local anesthetic.

This left Sara in a state of agony that she continues to live with.

“I felt like I was rotting. It was a nightmare that I still can’t escape,” Sara said.

She was left psychologically scarred, with extreme PTSD, nightmares, and constant pain.

The trauma from the experience still lingers, making her body’s scars feel like they will never fully heal.

Seeking Justice and Raising Awareness

Determined to seek justice, Sara has decided to take legal action against the surgeon responsible.

She is using this painful experience as a platform to raise awareness about the dangers of seeking cosmetic surgery abroad, where lower costs and glossy marketing campaigns often hide the risks.

“I want to make sure no one else has to go through what I did,” she explained.

Sara has set up a GoFundMe page to help cover the legal costs and travel expenses for her case, which has become a draining and emotionally taxing journey.

She wants to use her story to highlight the risks of choosing surgery abroad without properly researching the potential dangers.

A Rising Number of Victims

Unfortunately, Sara’s case is not unique. Since 2019, at least 28 British people have died after undergoing cosmetic surgery in Turkey, with many more suffering life-changing injuries.

Sara’s story is a stark reminder of the risks involved, especially when procedures go wrong.

A recent report highlighted the tragic death of a British woman, Hayley Dowell, who passed away after complications from a Brazilian butt-lift surgery in Turkey.

Another British woman, Cennet Lo, found herself stranded in Turkey after suffering severe complications from multiple botched surgeries, including two rounds of sepsis.

These cases only reinforce the urgent need for greater awareness and stricter regulation of medical tourism.

Moving Forward with Courage

Despite the fear and trauma she still faces, Sara is resolute in her quest for justice.

“It scares me to even think about returning to Turkey,” she admitted.

However, she knows she cannot let this surgeon get away with what happened.

Sara’s bravery and determination to stop other people from experiencing the same horrors have driven her to continue her legal battle, no matter the personal cost.

Sara’s message is clear: be cautious, research thoroughly, and understand the potential risks before considering surgery abroad.

She hopes that her experience can serve as a warning to others and spark change in how cosmetic surgery is regulated internationally.