Mother Arrested in Ashford for Leaving Wagamama Restaurant Without Paying After Dispute Over Hair in Meal

Mother Arrested in Ashford for Leaving Wagamama Restaurant Without Paying After Dispute Over Hair in Meal

In a recent case that caught quite a bit of attention, a mother has confessed to pulling a ‘dine and dash’ stunt at a Wagamama restaurant.

Rosemary McDonagh, while dining with friends at a Wagamama branch in Ashford, Kent, ended up skipping out on a hefty £277 bill after alleging there was a hair in her food.

The Incident Unfolds

On January 23 of this year, McDonagh and her party were handed a bill totaling £277.

According to the court, McDonagh wasn’t happy with her meal and complained about a hair in her dish.

Although she was offered a replacement meal, McDonagh chose to leave the restaurant without settling the bill.

She was later arrested on September 10 and has since admitted to the ‘dine and dash’ charge at Maidstone Magistrates’ Court.

Additional Charges and Background

In addition to the restaurant incident, McDonagh faced questioning over a separate theft.

On December 27 of the previous year, she was accused of stealing bedding worth between £150 and £190 from a Dunelm store at Ashford Retail Park.

McDonagh has admitted to both the Wagamama incident and the theft at Dunelm.

Personal Circumstances and Court Proceedings

Defending herself, McDonagh told the court that her life was in disarray during the time of these offenses.

She described being in a troubled relationship and dealing with personal turmoil between December and April.

McDonagh, who is from the traveling community, lives with her parents and her two young children.

She receives £600 in Universal Credit, child benefits, and between £400 and £500 in Personal Independence Payment (PIP) for her mental health issues.

Despite her previous record of theft and having been under a community order before, the magistrates decided on a financial penalty.

McDonagh was fined £138 for the Wagamama incident and ordered to pay £50 in compensation to the restaurant.

She was not required to cover the bill for her friends’ meals.

Additionally, she was instructed to compensate Dunelm £150 for the stolen bedding but faced no separate penalty for that offense.

A Stern Warning

The chairman of the bench delivered a stern warning to McDonagh, emphasizing the seriousness of her actions and reminding her of her responsibility towards her children.

“This must stop or you will be in serious trouble,” he cautioned.