Hospital Pays £27,500 Settlement to Mother Over Traumatic Labour: Woman Left with PTSD After Catastrophic Birth Ordeal

Carla Richter, a 39-year-old mother, has been awarded £27,500 in compensation after a harrowing ordeal during childbirth at Kingston Hospital in Surrey.

The traumatic experience left her with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) following severe blood loss and a cardiac arrest during labour.

Nightmare Labour Experience

Carla’s nightmare began when she went into premature labour after her waters broke while picking up her seven-year-old son from school.

Despite initially smooth proceedings at the hospital, complications arose during labour, exacerbated by alleged mismanagement of medication and procedures.

Severe Blood Loss and Cardiac Arrest

During labour, Carla experienced excessive bleeding due to a retained placenta, leading to the loss of four pints of blood.

Despite repeated attempts by medical staff to manually remove the placenta, Carla’s condition deteriorated, culminating in a cardiac arrest after she begged to be taken to surgery.

Impact on Carla and Her Family

The traumatic birth not only affected Carla physically but also took a toll on her mental health, resulting in a diagnosis of PTSD.

Her husband, Dean, also experienced emotional distress, fearing for Carla’s life after witnessing her harrowing ordeal.

Legal Action and Hospital Settlement

Carla sought legal recourse through Veritas Solicitors LLP, who pursued a case against Kingston Hospital NHS Trust.

The hospital accepted partial blame for the mismanagement of Carla’s labour, agreeing to a settlement of £27,500, which Carla received in February of this year.

Acknowledgment of Hospital Failings

According to consultants involved in the case, there were several failings in Carla’s treatment, including excessive attempts to manually deliver the placenta, delays in calling for senior obstetric assistance, and inadequate administration of fluids. The hospital’s acceptance of liability brought some closure to Carla, emphasizing the importance of accountability in medical care.

World News