Deadly Incident at the Chinese Consulate: Man Shot After Crashing Car

In a shocking incident at the Chinese consulate in San Francisco, Zhanyuan Yang, a 31-year-old man, was shot and killed by police.

This tragedy occurred on October 9 when Yang plowed a blue Honda sedan into the building’s lobby, leading to a confrontation with law enforcement.

Confrontation Unfolds: Knife-Wielding Man’s Assault

Zhanyuan Yang, who had crashed into the consulate, brandished a 3.5-inch blade and had a crossbow in his vehicle. Body camera footage reveals the intense moments that followed.

As officers approached Yang, he attempted to slash at them with the knife, resulting in a fatal response.

The Incident Begins: Yang’s Impact on the Building

The incident commenced at around 3 pm when Yang rammed his vehicle into the visa services area of the consulate, narrowly avoiding harming members of the public.

Bystander footage captures the panic as people fled the building, while a security guard from the consulate tried to communicate with Yang.

“Where is the CCP?” – Yang’s Agitated Cry

Zhanyuan Yang, bleeding from his head, emerged from the crashed car and shouted, ‘Where is the CCP?’ This abbreviation refers to the Chinese Communist Party, indicating his agitation.

Police Response and Confrontation

Multiple 911 calls reporting an armed individual brought the police to the scene.

Officers arrived to encounter Yang, and the body camera footage reveals the tense moments that unfolded. Officer Carrasco attempted to subdue Yang, and a struggle ensued.

Yang broke free and brandished the blade, endangering both officers and a consulate security guard.

Fatal Shots Fired: The Conclusion of the Confrontation

In a critical moment, Carrasco drew his weapon and fired two shots, incapacitating Yang. The police managed to handcuff Yang as he lay wounded on the ground.

Yang was subsequently taken to the hospital, where he was pronounced dead.

Official Investigations Underway

The shooting is now under investigation by both the police and the San Francisco Attorney’s Office. The exact motive behind Yang’s attack remains unclear.

However, it has been noted that he possessed replica firearms and a book on political assassinations.

Police Commendation and Gratitude

At a press conference, Captain Jason Sawyer expressed gratitude for the actions of the officers and security guards who intervened to protect the public.

Police Chief William Scott emphasized the importance of immediately addressing active attacker events to prevent further loss of life.

Background of the Attacker: Recent Radicalization

Yang’s roommate, who chose to remain unidentified, described him as “very reserved” and a video game enthusiast.

She noted that if he had become radicalized, it was a recent development. The exact details behind his actions are still under investigation.

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