Mixed reactions as 8-year-old gets adult-themed party complete with stripper pole, bottles of non-alcoholic wine, and money to spray

A boy’s adult-themed 8th birthday party has generated mixed reactions, with people calling for parents to let kids be kids. In a video making the rounds online, a couple threw their 8-year-old son a party in a party bus that has a
stripper pole.
They also provided bottles of non-alcoholic wine so the boys can “pop bottles”. Cocktails were also available at the party. 61fcd4b55add1 The boys also had money to spray at the party as they danced around the pole. 61fcd4e6ae938 A number of people have slammed the parents for throwing such a party for children. Others supported the parents, saying there’s no harm in a little fun. 61fcd55aacdc461fcd56bc893f61fcd59968dc361fcd5bdb62d161fcd5d20e91361fcd5e818fae

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