In a heartbreaking turn of events, a woman was fatally shot after she unexpectedly encountered two burglars who were in the process of robbing her husband.
The incident occurred around 11 p.m. outside her apartment on the eighth floor of a building in Manhattan’s Lower East Side.
The Events Unfold
Ying Zhu Liu, 57, was alerted by a disturbance outside her apartment and decided to open the door with her 32-year-old son.
To their shock, they found themselves face-to-face with two men who were in the middle of robbing her husband.
During the confrontation, shots were fired, and Liu was struck by a bullet in the face.
Tragically, she succumbed to her injuries at the scene.
Search for the Suspects
The police are currently searching for the suspects who fled on foot.
One of the suspects was dressed in a black ski mask and a black and red hooded jacket.
According to reports, the burglars managed to snatch Liu’s husband’s phone before escaping.
Thankfully, her husband and son were not harmed during the incident.
Details of the Building
The building where this tragic event took place houses 16 residential units, along with a commercial space and a preschool located on the ground floor.
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