Chicago Man Captures Striking Image of Morphing UFO Resembling Bizarre Masked Face, Stumping Experts With Odd Shape

Unique UFO Image Captured

A Chicago photographer captured an astonishing image of a stationary UFO that seemed to be changing colors. The peculiar object resembled various shapes like a mask or indigenous totem. Experts are puzzled by the unusual sighting.

Witness Describes Sighting Vivid Object

Photographer Dietrich Zeigler spotted the shimmering object one evening at sunset. He photographed the UFO, struck by its palette of purple, gold and green colors. Zeigler said it looked like a mask and kept its shape while shifting hues.

Object’s Movement Ambiguous

Though the object seemed stationary to the naked eye, slight differences between Zeigler’s photos suggest potential slow movement. Zeigler has frequently gazed at the sky since hoping to see something equally remarkable.

Experts Analyze Perplexing Image

UFO experts called the image spectacular but couldn’t firmly identify the phenomenon. Distortions can occur when photographing UFOs, complicating analysis. But they found the vivid shape unlike typical circular UFO sightings.

Recent UFO Transparency from Pentagon

While the Pentagon declined comment on this particular sighting, it has recently disclosed more information about typical UFO shapes and hotspots based on reported cases. This reflects an ongoing effort toward transparency on the topic.

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