Spencer Pearson’s Alleged Attempted Murder and Disturbing Mental Health History

The Alarming Incidents

Spencer Pearson, 19, is facing charges of attempted murder following a brutal attack on his ex-girlfriend, Madison Schemitz, aged 17.

The harrowing incident occurred in June when Schemitz was stabbed fifteen times outside a restaurant in Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida.

Troubling Mental Health Patterns

Court records reveal a disturbing pattern in Pearson’s mental health history. He allegedly attempted suicide two months before the attack and had previously sought counseling from a virtual mental health service called ‘Here Tomorrow.’

Pearson’s attorneys presented concerns about his mental state in court filings, citing an inpatient hospitalization for five days following a suicide attempt in April.

Events Leading to the Assault

On the day of the attack, Schemitz, accompanied by her mother and a friend, encountered Pearson at Mr. Chubby’s Wings.

Prior to this, Schemitz’s mother had filed a complaint against Pearson, claiming he had been stalking her daughter, leaving notes, and harassing her on social media after their breakup.

The Horrific Assault and Heroic Intervention

Upon leaving the restaurant, Pearson allegedly attacked Schemitz. However, a heroic bystander, Kennedy Armstrong, intervened and pulled Pearson off Schemitz, preventing a potentially fatal outcome. Schemitz’s recovery has been marked by resilience and determination.

Courageous Recovery and Moving Forward

Despite the trauma, Schemitz has shown remarkable courage. At a press conference in July, she expressed gratitude for being alive and emphasized her determination to make a difference.

She shared plans to start an awareness campaign at her high school, highlighting unhealthy relationship behaviors, and expressed hope for her eventual recovery, vowing to “make a difference” in the world.

A Journey of Resilience and Determination

Madison Schemitz’s journey toward recovery stands as a testament to resilience and strength in the face of adversity. Her determination to overcome challenges and rebuild her life reflects an unwavering spirit to create a positive impact, inspiring hope in others facing similar struggles.

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