MAGA is a sign of RED FLAG women between age 18 to 34 while political opinion from women is a turn off for men, study reveals.

Divergent Turn-Ons and Turn-Offs Among Young Adults

A recent survey conducted by Change Research sheds light on the contrasting turn-ons and turn-offs among men and women aged 18 to 34 in the United States. This study reveals the diverse perspectives regarding partner preferences within this age group.

MAGA and Political Ideals: A Polarizing Factor

Among women in this age bracket, conservative political viewpoints, particularly support for MAGA (Make America Great Again) ideals championed by former President Donald Trump, emerge as a significant turn-off, with 76 percent expressing this sentiment. In contrast, men are less enthused by potential partners who identify as communists, with 64 percent considering it a turn-off. Notably, 59 percent of men also find pro-Trump beliefs unattractive in a partner.

Gender Identity and Podcast Preferences

Gender identity presents another area of divergence. For women, 54 percent are turned off by individuals who believe in a binary gender system (only two genders). Conversely, 34 percent of men share this sentiment. The Joe Rogan podcast proves controversial among women, with 55 percent indicating they would be uninterested in a man who listens to it, despite its primarily male audience. Approximately one-third of men also express a similar sentiment towards women who listen to the podcast.

Astrology, Black Lives Matter, and Hobbies

Stances on astrology, the Black Lives Matter movement, and hobbies also contribute to varying perspectives on attractiveness. Men and women diverge significantly in their views on these subjects. For women, not having any hobbies is a red flag for 66 percent, while astrology as a hobby turns off 41 percent of men. Additionally, using the phrase ‘All Lives Matter’ is unappealing to 60 percent of women, while 41 percent of men find it less appealing. Identifying as a conservative and watching reality dating shows are other factors that can be turn-offs for both genders, affecting 35 percent of men.

Agreements on Turn-Ons

Despite the differences, there are areas of agreement between men and women. Reading is universally regarded as a turn-on, with 95 percent of women and 91 percent of men finding it attractive. Both genders also appreciate partners who research for the best deals and rates before making purchases, with 88 percent of women and 85 percent of men considering it a positive trait. Saying ‘Black Lives Matter’ is viewed favorably by 60 percent of women, while identifying as liberal is attractive to 39 percent of women.

Unique Turn-Ons for Men

Some preferences are specific to men. Men are more likely to be turned on by women who prefer cow’s milk over non-dairy alternatives, with 42 percent considering it a green flag. Additionally, men find conservative women (35 percent) more appealing than liberal women (29 percent). Interestingly, a small percentage of men (25 percent) are attracted to women who listen to the controversial podcaster Joe Rogan, a perspective not shared by women (7 percent). These varying preferences highlight the complexity of attraction among young adults in the United States.

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