Louisiana Attorney General Criticizes ACLU’s Selective First Amendment Defense Amid Education Display Controversy

When asked for her thoughts, Louisiana Attorney General Liz Murrill stated that without seeing the lawsuit, the government couldn’t comment.

She pointed out what she sees as inconsistency from the ACLU, saying they pick and choose when to uphold the First Amendment.

According to Murrill, they remain silent when the Biden administration censors speech or arrests pro-life protesters.

However, they seem ready to fight against posters that discuss legal history.

Lawsuit Against Display Mandate

A lawsuit has been filed by nine families with children in Louisiana’s public schools.

They argue that the mandate requiring certain displays violates both the establishment clause and the free exercise clause of the First Amendment.

Allegations in the Lawsuit

The lawsuit claims that the mandated displays effectively endorse a specific religious viewpoint.

It alleges that by promoting a “state-sanctioned version of the Ten Commandments,” the state imposes religious norms on students.

The plaintiffs argue that this coerces students into religious observance and adoption of the state’s preferred religious teachings.

Violation of Parental Rights

Additionally, the lawsuit contends that the mandate infringes on parental rights.

It asserts that parents’ authority over their children’s religious education and upbringing is jeopardized by the mandated displays.

TDPel Media

This article was published on TDPel Media. Thanks for reading!

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