A landlord in London has recently sparked a wave of criticism for her listing of a small room in a flat in Hampstead Heath, which she is offering for a hefty £1,350 per month.
Alice Bowmer’s advertisement has gone viral, causing uproar over the stringent rules attached to the rental.
The Strict Rules and High Rent for a Tiny Room
The room in question is just 4 meters by 2 meters in size, which many feel is too small for the price being charged.
However, what has really riled up potential tenants is the long list of demands that Bowmer insists on.
Among these is a ban on using the living room, and tenants are required to stay in their room, kitchen, or bathroom.
Additionally, Bowmer has specified that tenants should work long hours in the city during the week, leave London on weekends, and avoid having guests.
A Landlord’s Response and Additional Conditions
When contacted, Bowmer refused to comment directly but confirmed the details of her listing.
The fourth-floor flat, valued at around £800,000, includes some unusual conditions: tenants are expected to not return home until after 8:30 PM due to Bowmer’s violin lessons, which are audible throughout the flat.
The property also lacks central heating, meaning tenants must rely on electric heaters that can only be controlled via a phone timer.
In her listing, Bowmer states that the room is ideal for someone who is rarely home, as she describes herself as a professional researcher and music teacher.
The flat is located on a quiet street near Hampstead Heath and offers access to local shops, parks, and swimming facilities.
Reactions to the Listing
The listing quickly went viral after being shared online, drawing harsh criticism from viewers.
Many people called the listing exploitative, arguing that the rules were unreasonable and restrictive.
One commenter described the situation as “pathetic” and “selfish,” accusing the landlord of taking advantage of tenants’ desperation to generate income while denying them the use of most of the property.
Others pointed out that Bowmer seemed to want someone to pay rent without having to share space or live with them, which some felt was misleading.
Mixed Opinions on the Listing’s Fairness
While the majority of comments were negative, a few defended Bowmer’s right to post such an advertisement.
Some argued that if someone is willing to rent the room under these conditions, there’s no harm in posting the listing.
However, most viewers agreed that the price and the stringent rules were likely to make it difficult for Bowmer to find a suitable tenant.
Update on the Listing
Interestingly, after the initial backlash, Bowmer made some adjustments to the listing.
The original ad included detailed conditions regarding curfews, noise, and guest restrictions, which have since been removed or altered.
The revised listing now simply describes Bowmer as a “friendly, tidy, quiet, clean, and hard-working person” seeking someone who complements these qualities.
The situation has sparked a larger conversation about the current state of the rental market, with some calling for more regulation to prevent what they see as exploitative practices.