A young man just learned a harsh lesson about taking to social media to brag about his wealth after sharing a snap of his cash. He especially learned not to compare himself to the world’s wealthiest man Elon Musk who recently proved he could do just about anything when he bought the social media application Twitter.
Needless to say, he was roasted within an inch of his dignity by netizens who couldn’t wait to put him in his place.
Right now, Elon Musk, the founder of Tesla and Space X is one of the world’s most powerful men.
Not only is Musk the wealthiest man on earth, but he has also become a household name after he bought one of the biggest online platforms, Twitter.
One man, who has a stack of money, decided that this is enough for him to compare himself to Musk and netizens haven’t stopped laughing ever since.
Taking to Twitter, @ihyjuju shared a photo of his cash which he captioned:
“If Elon Musk really got more money than me, why he never posted a spread pic?”
Netizens are in stitches
After spotting the tweet, people immediately started roasting the young man who is clearly very delusional. Here are some of their comments:
@ALaylaScott1 said:
“Because it’s not smart to post your money on the internet it attracts ppl to break into your house”
@WhoSleepsnVegas said:
“That’s about 5k maybe 7k, which is a little dif when you count your stacks by billions. So when talking about money spread such as this, there’s the actual physical and financial impossibility of even doing .1% of his stash lol”
@JuanRSicairos said:
“He doesn’t need to spread all his money he’ll juT buy another company for billions of dollars.”
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