Lewisham’s Denise Clarke Critiques Keir Starmer’s NHS Waiting List Strategy Amidst Fiery BBC Debate with Rishi Sunak

In the aftermath of the latest head-to-head debate between Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and Labour leader Keir Starmer, voters have weighed in with strong opinions.

Here’s a breakdown of how the debate unfolded and what people are saying:

Denise Clarke: Concerns on Waiting Lists and Immigration

Denise Clarke, a cancer patient from Lewisham, South London, applauded Starmer’s swift action on the gambling scandal but raised concerns about his plans for the future.

She emphasized the need to address NHS waiting lists and expressed uncertainty about Starmer’s immigration strategy.

Archie Parker-Goff: A Neutral Perspective

Student Archie Parker-Goff felt that neither candidate managed to fully resonate with the audience, though Sunak received more vocal support during the debate.

He noted Starmer’s background but acknowledged Sunak’s stronger stance on certain policy issues.

Benedict Sharrock-Harris: Starmer’s Leadership Shines

Lawyer Benedict Sharrock-Harris praised Starmer’s realistic approach and criticized Sunak for relying on repetitive soundbites.

He highlighted Starmer’s sincerity and ability to connect with voters on economic issues.

Matt Coker: Immigration Concerns

Dover fisherman Matt Coker leaned towards Sunak, feeling Starmer lacked substance on immigration issues.

He criticized Starmer for vague responses and praised Sunak’s passion and clarity in his answers.

Jon Craven: Sunak’s Aggressive Style

Medical student Jon Craven observed Sunak’s more direct and confrontational style compared to Starmer’s more nuanced approach.

He felt Sunak may have had the upper hand in the debate but questioned its overall impact on the election.

Roshini Jaan: Support for Labour’s Immigration Strategy

London student Roshini Jaan favored Labour’s approach to tackling immigration through gang targeting rather than deportation to Rwanda.

She appreciated Sunak’s focus on women’s safety but felt Starmer could have been more direct on the issue.

Eldon Davis: Sunak’s Fighting Spirit

Business owner Eldon Davis noted Sunak’s aggressive stance in the debate, contrasting it with Starmer’s calmer demeanor.

He felt both had their strengths and weaknesses but found Sunak’s persistence on tax issues notable.


While opinions vary, the consensus highlights strengths and weaknesses in both candidates’ performances.

From immigration policies to economic strategies, each voter resonates differently with the messages conveyed by Sunak and Starmer, reflecting the diverse concerns and priorities across the electorate.

TDPel Media

This article was published on TDPel Media. Thanks for reading!

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