Lawyer Raises Alarm on Political Influence in Nigeria’s Electoral Processes

…By Enitan Thompson for TDPel Media. Jibrin Okutepa, a senior lawyer for the Labour Party (LP), expresses alarm regarding the impact of politicians on electoral processes in Nigeria.


He highlights the claims made by late Senator Ibrahim Mantu, who openly admitted to such influence without facing consequences.

Predictions of Troubled State of Affairs in Nigeria

Okutepa anticipates that more revelations will emerge, further exposing a troubled state of affairs in Nigeria.

Despite the country’s wealth, a significant portion of its citizens continues to suffer while those in power accumulate more wealth.

Endorsement of Harmful Behaviors and the Cycle of Corruption

The lawyer laments that many Nigerians seem to endorse harmful behaviors as long as they personally benefit from them.

He argues that this trend perpetuates corruption and wrongdoing in the country, emphasizing the need for a shift in mindset.

Breach of Law in Leadership Recruitment and Consequences

Okutepa criticizes the leadership recruitment processes in Nigeria, claiming that individuals who have no regard for law and due process are often entrusted with overseeing the nation’s affairs.


He points out that these breaches of the law contribute to acts of political brigandage and open confessions of interference with institutional duties, which are seen as normal occurrences.

Open Corruption and Celebration of Wrongdoing

The lawyer highlights the prevalence of open corruption and the celebration of wrongdoing in Nigeria.

He asserts that people force themselves into power to amass wealth, and many individuals celebrate thieves because they personally benefit from the resulting evils.

Okutepa expresses sadness at this state of affairs, emphasizing the negative impact on the welfare and well-being of Nigerians.


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