Cabinet has welcomed the results of Statistics South Africa’s (Stats SA) Quarterly Labour Force Survey for the third quarter which indicates that South Africa’s employment levels have returned to and surpassed pre-COVID-19 pandemic levels .
This is according to Minister in the Presidency Khumbudzo Ntshavheni during a post-Cabinet media briefing on Monday .
The results indicate a marginal decrease in unemployment of some 0 .
7 of a percentage point to reach 31 .
9% and an increase in the number of employed people in the country .
“Cabinet is pleased that all provinces but one have contributed to the 399 000 increase to the number of employed people to a total of 16 .
7 million people in employment in the third quarter, compared to 16 .
3 million in the second quarter of 2023 .
“The strong contributions to additional jobs of KwaZulu-Natal (up by 152 000), Limpopo (up by 70 000), North West (up by 61 000) and Mpumalanga, indicate the gradual but steady realisation of the goal of the Economic Reconstruction and Recovery Programme (ERRP) of rebuilding better, stronger and inclusively,” she said .
Ntshavheni said Cabinet acknowledged some of the challenges that are impacting certain sectors .
“Cabinet also noted the negative impact the electricity and logistics constraints continued to have on the manufacturing, mining, transport and utilities sectors .
Cabinet is confident that noticeable progress will soon be visible in eradicating both load shedding and constraints within the freight and logistics industry .
“Cabinet is also pleased that despite remaining challenges, youth unemployment is gradually declining (a decrease of 1 .
9% from the previous quarter), and a 237 000 increase in the number of employed youth, rising to a total of six million youth in employment,” she said .
In the same breath, the Minister said Cabinet welcomed investments into the country by motoring company Ford and Procter & Gamble .
“Cabinet welcomed the additional R5 billion investment by the Ford Motor Company for its new plug-in hybrid electric Ford Ranger that is earmarked for export to Europe, New Zealand and Australia .
The company currently employs 5 200 people in South Africa .
“Cabinet further welcomed the investment by Procter & Gamble in its new state-of-the-art production line of the Pampers Premium Care in Ekurhuleni, Gauteng .
The P&G cumulative investment totals approximately R900 million since 2018 and currently employed over 4000 direct and indirect jobs throughout its value chain .
“Both The Ford Motor Company and P&G project launches are testament of the valuable contribution of President Ramaphosa’s investment drive through the South Africa Investment Conference, and a re-affirmation of South Africa as an investment destination of choice,” Ntshavheni said .
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