Rhinos and SUV driver get into it in Kruger National Park – WATCH

The growing impatience of tourists within Kruger National Park has been highlighted once again by a video that has been seen more than 1.7 million times.

PICTURES | A game ranger in Kruger Park catches MORE people getting out of their cars
Five rhinos are laying in the road, and an SUV is approaching them.
At the sound of the vehicle’s engine, the rhinos scatter, but one gets up and walks towards the car, and then another follows suit.

After teaching the tourists a valuable lesson in patience, the rhinos amble off into the woods three and a half minutes into the film.
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Meanwhile, Skukuza Golf Club in Kruger National Park is widely recognized as the “wildest” course in the world, as stated by The South African website.

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“Just casually strolling the grounds to see which hole she wants to play next,” the Skukuza Golf Club wrote on their Facebook page on Thursday. “Isn’t she lovely?”

PICTURES | Wild animal guardian reveals MORE Tourists leaving their cars in Kruger National Park
Crocodile attacks male lion in latest sighting in Kruger Park
Legend has it that animals occasionally stray onto the fairways and tee boxes at Skukuza Golf Club.
Lions kill a giraffe on the third hole at Skukuza Golf Club – VIEW IMAGES
A round of golf at Skukuza Golf Club is unlike any other.

Golfers need to watch out for the roaming wildlife more than they do for the bunkers and water hazards.
Read more… | Watch this! | Kevin Pietersen sinks an ace at Skukuza Golf Club… and gets dinged for it!
This leopard does not appreciate the placement of the tee boxes at Skukuza Golf Club.
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Skukuza Golf Club uploaded a second video showing a pride of lions lounging on a teebox a few hours later.
Obviously, today’s games were canceled.
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