Knights of Columbus donate millionth coat through ‘Coats for Kids’ program

“It really is in keeping with who the Knights are,” he added. “Since our very beginning with Father Michael McGivney, we were in service to the family, and so it’s very much in keeping with our founding vision of serving the family and our founding mission of charity.”

Kelly pointed out that the Knights are seeing an increased need for coats this year. In 2023, more than 1,500 Knights councils will distribute over 200,000 coats.

“Charity really is part and parcel of who Christ calls us to be,” Kelly said.

He shared that many of the teachers at the event told him about the “tremendous need” many of the low-income families have and how essential a coat is for their children. 

The Coats for Kids program helps to “take the burden off the parents,” Kelly explained, by having the Knights provide coats for their children.

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