Killing the innocent by abortion is not mercy, says Chilean cardinal

Killing the innocent by abortion is not mercy, says Chilean cardinal.

Cardinal Celestino Aós Braco of Santiago takes possession of his titular church in Rome, June 19, 2021. / Archdiocese of Santiago

Santiago, Chile, Apr 26, 2022 / 18:40 pm (CNA).

During his homily at the Mass for the blessing of the foundation stone for the Divine Mercy Shrine in Santiago on Sunday, Cardinal Celestino Aós Braco warned that abortion “is not mercy,” nor is the “mutilation” of moral and religious teaching.

Cardinal Aós said April 24, Divine Mercy Sunday, that “it’s not mercy to kill the innocent by abortion, it’s not mercy for the child that is eliminated, nor for the mother to whom they want to present that action as a solution.”

“It’s not mercy to mutilate human beings by not taking care of their development and moral and religious instruction; it’s not mercy, moving forward and abandoning the one who is left behind,” he added.

The cardinal said that “we are called to build a culture of mercy” through performing the works of mercy.

The Archbishop of Santiago explained that “mercy has the face of consolation.”

“It’s true, we often go through difficult trials but the certainty that the Lord loves us must never wane, his Mercy is also expressed in the closeness in affection and in the support that many brothers offer us when days of sadness and affliction come upon us.”

“We all need consolation because no one is immune to suffering, pain and misunderstanding,” and “God never remains distant when these dramas happen.”

“A word that gives encouragement, a hug that makes you feel understood, a caress that makes you perceive love, a prayer that allows you to be stronger. These are all expressions of the closeness of God through the consolation offered by a brother,” Cardinal Aós gave as examples.

After the homily, the decree for the construction of the Divine Mercy Shrine was read and signed, the land and the faithful present were blessed, and the first stone was placed on the foundation where the altar will be located.

Killing the innocent by abortion is not mercy, says Chilean cardinal Thank You

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