Do you want to work but you are studying? Then keep on studying and working! It is possible to do both at the same time.
We explain how to do it. It won’t be easy, but if you organize yourself and follow a series of guidelines, you will succeed. Join us and discover the main keys to achieving it.
Think about how much time you can dedicate to each activity
Make a review of the time you spend at the university every day, the time you need to study, do internships, finish work, or rest, and calculate the time you have left to work. This way, you will be able to set more realistic goals, and most importantly, you will avoid overloading yourself with things that you will not be able to cover.
How many times do we get carried away and plan to do a thousand things, thinking that we will be able to do everything, and then we realize that it is not possible? Well, to avoid this, the idea is to make correct planning. If you don’t have time to do your homework because of work, you can buy college essay and ask for help for professional writers.
Organize and manage your time well
Organizing yourself well can make the difference between success and failure. Therefore, the first condition to study and work at the same time successfully is to get an agenda (either online or physical) and plan your day, week, and month productively.
Write down the tasks you have to do, the ones you would like to do, the ones you have pending, and important dates such as exams, classes, medical appointments, work due dates, or the shifts in which you work. EVERYTHING.
If you write it all down and organize it in order of priority, you are more likely to do everything you set out to do.
Use every minute of your free time
Use all your time. If you have a one-hour subway ride to work, a half-hour gap between classes, or if you are kept waiting for your doctor’s appointment, use these breaks to gain hours in your day.
Think that at the end of the day you don’t have as much time as your coworkers or classmates, so you have to take advantage of every minute. Advance work, review class notes, study, write essays, and finish all pending tasks so you don’t fall behind. You have to make a double effort if you want to get everything done.
Stop procrastinating
We refer to the habit of leaving for later the activities or tasks that you know you have to do and replacing them with more unnecessary ones that do not contribute to your goal. Surely this sounds familiar to you, doesn’t it?
Have you ever started studying or teleworking and after half an hour, you started to check your social networks on your cell phone, or you went to the kitchen to prepare something to eat? Or you come home from work exhausted and think: “I’m tired today, I’m not going to do anything”?
Well, if you want to be able to do both things at the same time, you’re going to have to put a little more willpower into it, even if you don’t feel like it. Of course, if you are so tired that you really can’t study or work, it is more worthwhile to rest for 15-20 minutes or take a nap, but then you have to follow through. No excuses.
Learn to study better
If your goal is to optimize your study time to achieve the best results, it is important to take into account the study methods. Not all people work with the same dynamics. You have to find out which study techniques work best for you.
The first thing, and what works best for everyone and in all cases, is to pay attention in class. But there is more to it than that. Take good notes, prepare for exams well in advance, and use study techniques that work for you.
Do you concentrate better in the evenings, or do you study more in the mornings? Do you find it helpful to do summaries or outlines, or are you more of a mind or concept mapper?
Rest, disconnect, and sleep
Not everything can be work and study. To maintain a balance in your physical and mental health, it is also essential to get enough rest, take time for yourself, and sleep the necessary hours.
At the end of the day, you can reward yourself with something that you like and enjoy, that allows you to disconnect. It can be a leisure activity: watching a series on Netflix or simply a hot bath. You’ve earned it! And it will help you maintain your energy, be more balanced, and have a better attitude.
Choose the right job
If you’re studying medicine and you’ve been offered a customer service position in a call center, working eight hours on the phone, it’s going to be difficult, if not impossible for you to juggle it.
On the other hand, if you find a part-time job related to your profession, or at the university, or close to where you live, with a compatible schedule, you can certainly do it. For example, you can work in your college or university residence or work tutoring children.
In any case, if you are sure that you want to take on the challenge of working and studying at the same time, the ideal is to look for part-time or hourly jobs that are not too demanding. This will allow you to balance your time with your academic obligations.
One of the keys to studying and working at the same time is to know how to prioritize the most important tasks. You have to decide which tasks are the most urgent or the most important. They may be important, but not urgent. Or neither important nor urgent. You will have to decide that yourself and be very clear about it.
And this is not only valid for crossing out activities from your agenda, but also for everything else.
For example, when it comes to studying you can also apply it. If you see that you do not have time to study everything you have in the program to do the exam from “from start to finish”, but you do know what are the most important and priority topics, start there. Be smart, study at least 60% of the subject, and if you don’t have time for all the small subtopics or secondary topics, nothing will happen.
Is it possible to study and work at the same time? The answer is obvious. Yes, you can study and work at the same time.
The important thing is discipline, motivation, and above all building daily habits that will lead you to your goal. Learn to prioritize, study, organize yourself, take advantage of your free time, and of course, balance your academic, professional and personal life.
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