Kelsey Parker Faces Intense Online Criticism Following Pregnancy Announcement with Boyfriend Will Lindsay Amid Ongoing Grief from Husband Tom’s Death in 2022

Kelsey Parker Faces Intense Online Criticism Following Pregnancy Announcement with Boyfriend Will Lindsay Amid Ongoing Grief from Husband Tom’s Death in 2022

Kelsey Parker has recently shared her emotional journey of facing online abuse after announcing that she’s pregnant with her new boyfriend Will Lindsay.

The 34-year-old, who has two children—Aurelia, 5, and Bodhi, 4—with her late husband Tom Parker of The Wanted, is beginning a new chapter in her life after his heartbreaking death from brain cancer in 2022.

This new pregnancy, her first with Will, has sparked mixed reactions from her followers, and she’s been brutally targeted by online trolls ever since.

Battling Online Criticism

In a candid interview with The Sun, Kelsey revealed how overwhelming the online criticism has been.

Despite expecting some form of judgment, she expressed confusion over how people who haven’t experienced the loss of a partner can be so quick to comment on her life.

“I’ve been through such a dark place from losing Tom,” she explained.

“I was so lonely and unhappy. I feel like there are people who want me to always feel like that, but I deserve to find a little bit of happiness.”

She also reflected on the unrealistic expectations others seem to have of her.

“I think people expect me to sit at home, dressed in black all day.

But I have two children, and another one on the way—I need to get out of bed for them.”

She also noted that even everyday tasks, like grocery shopping, have become sources of shock for some people.

“I need to feed my kids,” she added.

A New Beginning Amid Heartbreak

Kelsey’s life has been challenging since the loss of her husband, Tom, who passed away at just 33 after a four-year battle with brain cancer.

However, she has learned to look ahead and build a future for herself and her children, knowing that Tom won’t be coming back.

Kelsey shared that the situation is also tough on Will, who’s preparing to become a first-time father.

She emphasized that although she’s already gone through this experience, it’s important for Will to enjoy the excitement of expecting a baby without the overshadowing negativity.

“Will doesn’t read anything online,” she said, adding, “He just tells me, ‘I don’t know why you’re looking at those comments.’”

The Excitement of Expecting

Kelsey also talked about her children’s reactions to the pregnancy news.

Aurelia, in particular, has shown a deep connection with the baby, even speaking to Kelsey’s growing bump at just eight weeks.

“When I was eight weeks pregnant, she came up and started talking to the baby in my tummy.

Will and I just looked at each other in total disbelief!”

Kelsey also shared that Aurelia has already chosen a name for the baby if it’s a boy—‘Parker’, in honor of her late father.

In a separate interview with The Mirror, Kelsey explained that while her announcement has made her more public, her main desire is to share the joy she feels.

“I want people to be as happy for me as I am about this baby,” she said.

Moving Forward with Love and Family

Kelsey expressed her belief that Tom would have given his blessing for her to move forward and embrace happiness again, as he wouldn’t have wanted her to live in sadness.

She and Will, a tree surgeon, began dating last year, and their relationship has blossomed.

She noted that Will gradually moved in when it felt like the right time, even though she still lives in the home she shared with Tom and the kids.

As for the baby’s sex, the couple has no strong preference and has yet to decide whether they’ll find out before the birth.

The exciting news is waiting for them in an email, and they’re looking forward to whatever comes next in their growing family’s journey.