Jonty’s Gift: A Mother’s Gratitude for Her Son’s Unintended Life-Saving Role

A Mother’s Hero: Son’s Ultrasound Unearths Life-Saving Discovery


Jonty’s Unintended Role: A Knight in Shining Armor

Janine Edgar’s life took a fateful turn when a routine ultrasound during her pregnancy revealed a shocking discovery.

Five months pregnant with her son, Jonty, Janine learned that she had bladder cancer.

Little did she know that her precious baby boy would become her “knight in shining armor” and the savior of her life.


The 43-year-old mother-of-two credits Jonty as her “saving grace” after enduring 13 years of “crippling” symptoms.

A Fortuitous Ultrasound Scan: The Unveiling of a Hidden Tumor

During the 20-week ultrasound scan, Janine’s life took an unexpected twist.

Her son’s head happened to be in the right place, allowing the sonographer to uncover a tumor in her bladder.

A revelation that would alter the course of Janine’s life forever.


The discovery was a critical moment that led to her timely diagnosis, sparing her from potential devastating consequences.

A Journey of Uncertainty: The Undiagnosed Symptoms

Janine’s journey with cancer began long before her diagnosis.

Born and raised in Zimbabwe, she suspected contracting bilharzia, a parasitic infection prevalent in the local lakes where she frequently water-skied during her childhood.

At the age of 13, Janine experienced troubling symptoms, including blood in her urine and severe pain.


However, her condition remained undiagnosed until she was 26, after a routine ultrasound scan during her first pregnancy revealed the tumor in her bladder.

Navigating a Life-Altering Diagnosis: Strength Amidst Pregnancy

The news of her cancer diagnosis during her pregnancy was undoubtedly daunting.

Yet, Janine found strength in the midst of uncertainty, knowing she had to protect her baby and face the challenge head-on.

Throughout her pregnancy and the subsequent treatment, she remained resilient, keeping her focus on her growing family.


A Precious Gift: Jonty’s Arrival and Timely Treatment

Jonty was born in good health, providing Janine with immeasurable joy and hope for the future.

Two weeks after his birth, she underwent urgent cancer treatment, removing the grade two tumor and undergoing chemo-washes on her bladder.

Jonty became a source of comfort and strength, acting as a positive distraction during her challenging times.

A New Perspective on Normalcy


Reflecting on her journey, Janine realized that her experiences were far from ordinary.

She recalled the moment when the reality of her situation struck her, expressing breast milk in a hospital toilet before her operation.

Amidst the upheaval, she recognized the need to advocate for herself and others, urging anyone with symptoms like hers to seek medical attention promptly.

Looking Forward with Hope

Janine’s cancer journey continues, and while there is a 90% chance of its return due to her early diagnosis, she remains optimistic and appreciative of the years of relief she has experienced since treatment.


Her son, Jonty, has been her unwavering support and a positive force in her life, earning him the title of her “white knight.”

Supporting Cancer Research: A Message of Empowerment

Janine’s courageous story has inspired her to support Cancer Research UK and Race for Life 2023, partnering with Standard Life.

Through her journey, she advocates for early detection and proactive healthcare, urging others to listen to their bodies and seek help when needed.

Embracing Life’s Wins: A Message of Resilience


Despite the challenges, Janine cherishes the victories life has brought her way.

Her determination to overcome adversity and the love of her family have fueled her journey of hope and strength.

As she looks toward the future, she continues to face life’s uncertainties with grace and perseverance.

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