Jews Attack Christians in Jerusalem by Spitting on Them

The disturbing incident of a spitting attack on a Benedictine abbot in Jerusalem on February 3 has prompted a notable response from Jewish historian Michael Wolffsohn, who strongly denounced such actions and called for an end to the pervasive hatred.

Orthodox Activists Under Scrutiny

In an article published in the Jüdische Allgemeine, a weekly Jewish newspaper in Berlin, on February 8, Wolffsohn expressed his dismay at the deplorable incidents involving orthodox activists in Jerusalem.

He emphasized that these individuals consider themselves exemplary Jews while engaging in acts of spitting on or even physically assaulting Christians or Muslims.

Gap in Religious Education

Wolffsohn, an Israeli-born German historian and former professor at the University of the German Armed Forces, critically observed that despite the extensive immersion of these orthodox Jews in Torah, Talmud, and tradition, fundamental principles of Judaism seem to be lacking in their education.

Historical Perspective

Highlighting the historical perspective, Wolffsohn noted, “We Jews have rightfully complained about hatred directed towards Jews for thousands of years.”

However, he pointedly added, “Jewish hatred against Christians or Muslims is just as reprehensible.”

Questions of Religious Tolerance

This incident in Jerusalem raises important questions about religious tolerance and coexistence in the city that holds profound significance for three major Abrahamic religions.

Wolffsohn’s condemnation underscores the need for fostering mutual respect and understanding among communities, irrespective of religious differences, in the pursuit of a harmonious coexistence.

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