James Haskell and Chloe Madeley Remove Wedding Rings Amid Speculation of Marriage Troubles Linked to New Reality Show

James Haskell and Chloe Madeley Remove Wedding Rings Amid Marriage Speculation

Couple’s Rings Off Amid Marriage Rumors

Haskell Seen with Another Woman

Madeley Promotes New Reality Show

Friends Suggest Publicity Stunt

James Haskell and Chloe Madeley have removed their wedding rings, sparking speculation that their five-year marriage is in trouble.

The couple has not commented on the rumors, but friends have suggested that the ring removals may be a publicity stunt for Madeley’s new reality show, “Chloe Madeley: It’s A Family Affair.”

Haskell was seen cosying up to a blonde PR executive last week, and Madeley was spotted without her wedding ring at a celebrity event on the same day.

Representatives for the couple have been contacted for comment, but have not yet responded.

Some people believe that the ring removals are a genuine sign of marital problems, while others think that they are simply a way to generate publicity for Madeley’s new show.

Only time will tell what the real reason for the ring removals is.

The fact that Haskell and Madeley removed their wedding rings in the same week as the first episode of Madeley’s new reality show has led some to speculate that there is a link between the two events.

Madeley is described by friends as being “very media savvy” and may have seen the ring removals as a way to generate publicity for her show.

It is also worth noting that Madeley is the daughter of presenting duo Richard Madeley and Judy Finnigan, and is no stranger to the spotlight.

However, it is also possible that the ring removals are a genuine sign of marital problems.

The fact that Haskell was seen with another woman just days before the ring removals were made public suggests that there may be some truth to the rumors.

Only time will tell whether or not the couple is really in trouble, or if they are simply playing the game.

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