Ivy League Campuses Grapple with Antisemitic Incidents Amidst Hamas Controversy

A UPenn student was seen on camera demolishing and tearing down Hamas material, arguing that the call for the Thai man’s release was propaganda.

An ‘Editor’s note’ indicating that they removed ‘unsubstantiated assertions that Hamas raped women and beheaded men’ was included in a writer’s account of the attacks at Yale.

A man went on an antisemitic tirade at Harvard Square, across the Charles River from campus, saying Hamas should “exterminate” Israel.

When confronted, a University of Pennsylvania student who had been removing Hamas kidnapping posters from the campus tore the poster to pieces.

At first, the anonymous woman was evasive about what she was doing, telling the person who put the flier that all she wanted to do was glance at it.

Clutching under her breath, she called it “propaganda.”

The man filming her questioned her about her feelings, pointing her that the victim on the poster was a Thai worker who had been kidnapped on October 7 by terrorists.

When he asked to see the poster again, she gave him a hard look, tore it up, and turned to leave.

Nationwide, colleges are witnessing the conflict, with the eight Ivy League universities experiencing the most disturbance.

The Anti-Defamation League reports that in the days following Hamas’s October 7 attacks, antisemitic occurrences in the United States rose by about 400%.

A student journalist at Yale was surprised to discover that parts of her op-ed about the October 7 assaults had been cut out by the editors.

‘Editor’s note, correction, October 25: Unfounded allegations that Hamas beheaded males and sexually assaulted women have been removed from this piece,’ they said.

The Hamas militants themselves beheaded a man in body camera footage that was taken from their bodies.

A gang of Hamas terrorists quarrel over who gets to chop off the head of a Thai man who was slain while working in Israel, according to an October 27 report from NBC News, which saw the film.

Then one of the attackers struggles to use a hoe to hack off his skull.

Additionally, NBC said that there was proof of rape.Israeli first responders captured footage of a young woman’s naked corpse taken below the waist.

According to Israeli officials, they also discovered proof that some of the women who were slain after being raped had broken legs.

Sahar Tartak, a sophomore whose mother moved from Iran, expressed her dismay at the editors’ work.

Tartak commented on Monday, “I’m still gathering my thoughts on the YDN’s egregious correction.”

‘Are the hostage-taking, murder of children in their beds, burning of people alive, and parading of nude captive women in the street also ‘unsubstantiated’?’ questioned Yale professor Nicholas Christakis in a remark that she published.

In his piece, Tartak denounced Yalies4Palestine, a Yale student organisation that had accused Israel of being behind the attack on October 9.

They declared, “Yalies4Palestine is in solidarity with the Palestinian people’s resistance to violent settler colonial oppression.”

“We hold the Zionist regime accountable for this tragic loss of civilian lives,” the statement reads.Upstate New York’s Cornell has been especially volatile.

Online threats to shoot Jewish students at the kosher dining hall located in the 104 West building were made on Sunday night.

The Cornell Daily Sun, the student newspaper at the campus, claims that other comments incited students to harm Jews.

In response to the threats, New York State police have stepped up their security on Cornell’s campus.

The governor of New York, Kathy Hochul, labelled the people who threatened Jewish students at Cornell University “terrorists” on Monday and threatened those who made similar threats “will get no refuge.”

A Cornell professor has taken a semester-long leave of absence after saying that the attack by Hamas had “energised” and “exhilarated” him.

Additionally, at Columbia, a swastika was discovered daubed inside the International Affairs Building lavatory on Friday.

Columbia University President Minouche Shafik wrote to all students on October 18, denouncing the hateful sentiment that is sweeping the school.

Shafik added, “Unfortunately, some are using this moment to spread various forms of hate, including antisemitism, Islamophobia, and bigotry against Palestinians and Israelis.”

“We must refrain from using language that denigrates, intimidates, or stereotypes entire groups of people, especially during painful and angry times.”

The president of Harvard has had to make repeated efforts to disassociate herself from student organisations that claimed that Israel was responsible for the terror incident.

Journalist Yashar Ali posted a video on Monday showing a young guy at Harvard Square in the heart of Cambridge, Massachusetts, screaming antisemitic insults at a person while hiding his face behind a mask.

“I adore Hamas,” he exclaimed.

“I believe that Hamas ought to completely destroy Israel.”

I believe that all of the animals are filthy and deserving of death.

“I think they should all be exterminated, every single one of them,” the man continued.

And their moms, and their children, and everyone else.

It’s unclear whether the individual was a student and the incident didn’t occur on campus.

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